


By F. Konrad. South Carolina State University.

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Anglo- American medical care exemplifies such reasoning with its complex generic flomax 0.2mg otc, multiply metaphorical conceptualization of disease and the causation of disease. If anything typifies full-spectrum means/ends reasoning it is reciprocity, as opposed to rigid compartmentalization. John Dewey discussed the interrelation of means and ends extensively, as well as the dynamic and not static process involved in developing and attaining ends. Yet, they relate one to another and affect one another in the processes and outcomes of means/ends activity. Balance or harmony, much as Aristotle understood it, has much to do with this relation of qualities. Narratives are arrangements over time which allow qualities in experience to form an array in which they are mutually enhancing. Values are realized in narratives that relate process and product without compart- mentalizing them. These narratives realize old values only as they rejuvenate them in the creation of the new. Because values support each other and are neither isolated nor fungible, expected utility theory is not suited for application to most aspects of an endeavor like medical care. Qualitative, dynamic and interacting values just cannot be modeled on the number system. If we think that it leads us often astray, there are ways other than cutting ourselves off from it, to correct many of its errors. Despite the usefulness in certain instances of conceptualizing mind as a machine, the mind is not a machine. Let us temper distrust of our own capacities for means/ends deliberation with an appreciation of how, why and when they do work well. When rules are felt to be self-sufficient and superior to judgment, then the cultivation of good judgment, as well as the intellectual and moral virtues underlying it, languishes. The healing professions need to recruit, entrain and respect the virtues that make us worthy of trust.

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The The ICU brings unique challenges cheap flomax 0,2mg with amex, including the goals for care should be the foundation for planning and dilemmas of attempting to prolong life for patients at delivering care. Patients’ status, their needs, and their high likelihood of dying and the obligation to ensure family’s needs should be continuously reevaluated rela- comfort in noncommunicative patients. Costs of care in the last year of life are greatest for Decision making about care near the end of life should those who die in the hospital, and Medicare payments for occur as a shared process between the physician and hospital care are five times the amount paid for home patient. Family and other providers should be made aware health and hospice care in the last year of life. Project documented a bell-shaped curve by geographic A plan to meet the goals should follow. The plan should region in Medicare-reimbursed inpatient care in the last address interdisciplinary holistic care for the patient and 6 months of life. Even patients who are mildly to moderately demented can usually state Understanding what is and what was most important to what they value and whom they trust to make decisions the person facilitates a conversation about preferences on their behalf. Values help clarify how to structure with Alzheimer’s disease have the capacity to appoint a goals and what interventions are acceptable. Patients should be more likely to decline life-sustaining interventions than specifically asked if they wish life-prolonging treatments 26,27 others. For example, the alternative to patients about their rights to make choices about treat- attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is to be ment and about the use of advance directives, as required kept comfortable and be allowed to die naturally when by the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA), has not the heartbeat or breathing stop. For sions, conversations about preferences should involve the hospitalized patients with serious illness, rates of attem- patient directly. Both physicians and surrogates do little pted CPR varied significantly with geographic location better than random chance when predicting the patient’s 23,24 and with diagnosis; CPR rates were more than threefold wishes about CPR. Discussion with patients about greater for patients with congestive heart failure than preferences should ideally occur in advance of significant 30 other diagnoses. Orders to not attempt resuscitation decline in cognitive status, although psychiatric or (DNR) are more common for patients with more neurologic illness should not preclude a discussion with functional compromise and with increased age and vary by diagnosis, gender, race, and location. In one geriatric practice, Alternative approaches that are possible to manage expected events a discussion of probability of survival reduced by ap- The good and bad effects likely from each alternative proximately 50% the number of elderly patients who 302 S. Goodlin stated that they wished CPR attempted for a cardiac family more easily accept decreased intake of food and arrest.

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