


By E. Marlo. New England Institute of Technology. 2017.

During embryonic develop- The Adrenal Medulla Is a Modified ment generic differin 15g with visa, the cortex forms from mesoderm; the medulla arises Sympathetic Ganglion from neural ectoderm. The adrenal medulla can be considered a modified sympa- thetic ganglion. The medulla consists of clumps and strands The Adrenal Cortex Consists of of chromaffin cells interspersed with venous sinuses. Chro- Three Distinct Zones maffin cells, like the modified postganglionic neurons that receive sympathetic preganglionic cholinergic innervation In the adult human, the adrenal cortex consists of three his- from the splanchnic nerves, produce catecholamine hor- tologically distinct zones or layers (Fig. Epi- zone, which lies immediately under the capsule of the nephrine and NE are stored in granules in chromaffin cells gland, is called the zona glomerulosa and consists of small and discharged into venous sinuses of the adrenal medulla clumps of cells that produce the mineralocorticoid aldos- when the adrenal branches of splanchnic nerves are stimu- terone. The inner layer is comprised of interlaced strands of cells called the zona reticularis. HORMONES OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis both produce the physiologically important glucocorticoids, cortisol and Only small amounts of the glucocorticoids, aldosterone, corticosterone. These layers of the cortex also produce the and adrenal androgens are found in adrenal cortical cells at CHAPTER 34 The Adrenal Gland 609 Zona glomerulosa Comparison of Shared Activities of TABLE 34. However, given the amounts of these hor- mones secreted under normal circumstances and their relative activities, glucocorticoids are not physiologically important mineralocorticoids, nor does aldosterone func- tion physiologically as a glucocorticoid. As discussed in detail later, the amounts of glucocorti- coids and aldosterone secreted by an individual can vary Cortisol Corticosterone greatly from those given in Table 34. For ex- ample, in an individual subjected to severe physical or emo- tional trauma, the rate of cortisol secretion may be 10 times greater than the resting rate shown in Table 34. Certain diseases of the adrenal cortex that involve steroid hormone biosynthesis can significantly increase or decrease the Dehydroepiandrosterone amount of hormones produced. Lesser a given time because those cells produce and secrete these amounts of other androgens are also produced.

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In the case of malignant bone cerning sensitivity and specificity in detection and staging marrow infiltration generic differin 15g, no signal drop will be observed on of tumors including the bone marrow. USPIO imaging of the bone marrow can also be used for evaluation of the blood-bone marrow barrier e. It was shown, that also Gadolinium-enhanced Bone Marrow Imaging SPIO decreases the signal intensity of bone marrow. Superparamagnetic iron oxides are taken up by normal It was believed that bone marrow in general does not en- and hypercellular reconverted bone marrow, but not by hance with gadolinium, which is not true for red marrow. When the upper limit for the normal percentage en- Diffusion Imaging of the Bone Marrow hancement value is 2 SD above the normal mean per- centage enhancement, cut-off values for abnormal Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is another method of gadolinium uptake in bone marrow is 43. In a study on 44 patients with diffuse multiple travoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) with MR imaging al- myeloma and 86 controls the mean level of contrast en- lows for the assessment of the self-diffusion of water in hancement is 18% in the control group, 26% in patients biological tissues. This parameter could serve as a new with low-grade infiltration, 49% in patients with inter- type of MR image contrast and tissue type characteriza- mediate-grade infiltration, and 90% in patients with tion. In addition, fat cell content was (DWI) is dependent on the random motion of water pro- found to be inversely correlated with contrast enhance- tons including extra-, intra- and transcellular motion of ment (chi-square test: p<0. Percentage enhancement water molecules, as well as microcirculation (perfusion). The greater the mean free ment values do not differentiate between reactive increase path lengths of the water molecules are, the greater the of marrow cellularity and malignant infiltration, tumor- signal loss achieved with a diffusion-weighted sequence. Stationary tis- authors recommend the use of dynamic contrast-en- sue is rephased at the end of the sequence by an opposite hanced MR imaging for diagnosis of lymphoproliferative gradient, so that stationary tissue reveals a high signal in- diseases and diffuse bone marrow infiltration. This is due to the T2-weighted component of dif- fusion weighted sequences. Diffusion induced molecular movement of water protons is responsible for a signal (U)SPIO-Imaging of the Bone Marrow loss since the protons have moved out of plane at the time of the rephasing opposite gradient. While diffusion There was early recognition of the potential of ultrasmall weighted sequences are sensitive to molecular diffusion, superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles for spe- they are also sensitive to the macroscopic motion of the Bone Marrow Disorders 77 examined object.

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A joint line 8 mm higher than in the preoperative ex- amination is associated with a poorer clinical outcome order differin 15g amex. Total knee replacement: Posterior-cruciate-sparing or A low joint line causes a low patella and may result cruciate-substituting designs may be inserted. Unicompartmental arthroplasty: The femoral and tibial Mobile tibial polyethylene bearings: Rotating platform components should parallel each other, with no rotatory allows rotation, meniscal bearings allow rotation and an- element, and lie parallel to floor. Constrained: Reserved for revision surgery, severe bone loss or after tumor resection. These devices do not permit knee rotation and are subject to failure (loosening) in pa- Bone In-growth and Porous Coating tients whose activity level is high. Porous coating, while significantly adding to the cost of Patellofemoral: Either as part of a total knee replacement, joint replacement, may significantly improve implant when a polyethylene “button” is cemented into the articu- longevity. Beads of a similar alloy are sintered onto the lar surface of the patella, or as a specific patellofemoral metallic components, permitting bony in-growth to occur joint replacement when the major knee compartments are without the need for intervening cement. Clearly, this requires stability to allow in-growth to occur, with implications for the postoperative period. Normal Appearances Anticipated normal plain-film appearances include re- sorption of medial femoral cortex at the calcar femoris Hip Replacements (98%), reduced bone density where it is unloaded, the ab- sence of a thin lucent rim around the implant, although The following features on plain film suggest an ideal po- such a lucency with a sclerotic margin is common (79%) sition for a total hip replacement. A lucent line of more than 2 mm implies unacceptable tion angle should be about 40±10° on an AP view. It is also normal to see endosteal sclerosis at the Acetabular anteversion should measure 0–30° on a true tip of a prosthesis (36%), localized periosteal new bone lateral view. The femoral component should be coaxial and cortical thickening, representing altered stress loading with the femoral shaft. Acetabular screws, if used, should (12%) and a degree of prosthetic subsidence (7%). The lucent line has Complications of Joint Replacement a sclerotic margin and develops during the first 2 years after insertion. A metal- joints, including pain and other symptoms, for which no bone lucency may be present immediately after surgery cause may be found. In addition, not all abnormal joint replace- quential radiographs for cemented devices whereas slight ments are associated with symptoms.

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