


By N. Thordir. Rochester Institute of Technology.

Organizational Size The size of an organization also affects the ability to disseminate best prac- tices order doxycycline 100 mg. One group of physicians in a large healthcare delivery system might have developed an effective method to achieve high levels of colorectal can- cer screening (Stroud, Felton, and Spreadbury 2003), but the opportunity to describe, champion, and implement such process redesign across dozens of other groups within the system is much more challenging and typically will require incremental resource commitment. Large organizations tend to have rigid frameworks or bureaucracies; change is slow and requires per- severance and the ability to make clear to skeptics and enthusiasts alike the value of the new procedure in their group and across the system. Small practices may be equally difficult, especially if only one or two physicians or decision makers are involved and they are unwilling or uninterested in pursuing quality improvements. Irrespective of organizational size, there is often a complex matrix of demands for quality improvement and change agents, so simply changing one process in one location will not necessar- ily result in quality improvement, especially throughout an organization. Large organizations also create the potential for multiple layers of quality assessment. The Baylor Health Care System (BHCS), located in the Dallas–Fort Worth area, includes 11 hospitals with 83,000 admissions per V ariation in Medical Practice and Implications for Quality 49 year and 47 primary care and senior centers with more than 500,000 vis- its annually. Consequently, BHCS evaluates its quality improvement efforts at both the hospital level and an outpatient level. Obviously, inpatient and outpatient processes of care differ; quality improvement efforts may be widely applicable for inpatient services at all 11 hospitals, but such process redesigns might not necessarily be applicable to the 47 outpatient clinics and senior centers. Value- based purchasing is increasing, whereby consumers and insurers utilize those healthcare facilities that embrace quality improvement efforts and hence provide better processes of care and, arguably, outcomes. The Joint Commission, CMS, and Medicare have established minimum standard lev- els of quality and linked reimbursement schemes to achieving these goals. Although all healthcare organizations are obligated to meet these stan- dards, a number of hospitals and delivery systems chose to use these stan- dards before they were mandatory or have set higher threshold levels because of the compelling business case to do so. Increasing numbers of healthcare organizations fund these efforts internally, both for inpatients and outpa- tients, because it makes sense to do so in terms of outcomes, patient sat- isfaction, and long-term financial picture (happy patients return for additional care or recommend that friends and relatives use the same services) (Ballard 2003; Leatherman et al. Planning the collection and analysis of suitable data for quality meas- ures requires significant forethought, particularly when considering strate- gies to assess true variation and minimize false variation, and includes using appropriate measures, controlling case mix and other variables, minimiz- ing chance variability, and using high-quality data (Powell, Davies, and Thomson 2003). The initial results of a study that compared generalists to endocri- nologists in providing care to patients with diabetes showed what most people might expect, that specialists provided better care. Adjusting for patient case-mix bias and clustering (physician-level variation) substantially altered the results: there was no difference between generalists and endocri- nologists in providing care to diabetes patients.

Methicillin cannot bind effectively age with increased risk of pneumococcal infection generic 100 mg doxycycline mastercard, and for to the PBPs and inhibit bacteria cell wall synthesis except with very all people older than 65 years of age. Consequently, minimum inhibitory con- Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci centrations (MICs) of methicillin increased to high levels that were Enterococci have intrinsic and acquired resistance to many anti- difficult to achieve. For example, penicillins and cephalosporins inhibit The term MRSA is commonly used but misleading because rather than kill the organisms at achievable concentrations, and the organisms are widely resistant to penicillins (including all of aminoglycosides are ineffective if used alone. As a result, standard the antistaphylococcal penicillins, not just methicillin) and treatment of an enterococcal infection outside of the urinary tract has cephalosporins. Many strains of MRSA are also resistant to eryth- involved a combination of ampicillin and gentamicin or strepto- romycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, and the aminoglycosides. This combination is often successful because the ampicillin MRSA frequently colonize nasal passages of health care workers and damages the bacterial cell wall and allows the aminoglycoside are increasing as a cause of nosocomial infections, especially in crit- to penetrate the bacterial cell. In addition, the incidence of methicillin-resistant vancomycin is given with an aminoglycoside. The incidence of multidrug-resistant enterococci and MRSE is that vancomycin is the drug of choice for treatment. Two major types (Van A and However, vancomycin has been used extensively to treat infections Van B) of VRE have been described, with different patterns of anti- caused by S. Van B is susceptible to teicoplanin; Van A tance is increasing in those species. Because resistance genes from is resistant to teicoplanin but may be susceptible to minocycline, the other organisms can be transferred to S. Vancomycin-resistant enterococci A major contributing factor to VRE is increased use of van- (VRE) are discussed later. Therefore, to decrease the spread of VRE, cal infections (eg, community-acquired pneumonia, bacteremia, the CDC recommends limiting the use of vancomycin.

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