


By E. Kent. Youngstown State University. 2017.

Use the first two thirds of the chart (the part furthest away from you) allegra 180 mg discount. These are handy for preparing material in advance, but their small size restricts their use to groups of ten or less. Some are designed for use in preparing for a session, for example a list of preparatory reading or a document containing introductory material. Many are for use during the session, for example a gapped handout to be completed by the student during the lecture, while others are to promote further individual study by the student after the session, for example a reading list. Use handouts to: ° provide preparatory reading, for example background information, glossary of terms or ‘stop and think’ activities ° provide complex information such as detailed numerical data or diagrams ° give evidence in support of the main arguments, for example research studies, detailed case studies and explanations ° aid note-taking by supplying copies of essential acetates or illustrations ° encourage active listening by supplying gapped handouts to be completed during the lecture, for example labelling a diagram or filling in key terms ° encourage self-assessment by using true/false or multiple-choice questionnaires 150 WRITING SKILLS IN PRACTICE ° facilitate learning activities, for example instructions for practical tasks, data sets and case studies for problem solving ° give students the opportunity to apply new concepts or principles, for example analysing data sets ° promote further study by giving lists of references, further reading or a set of questions to focus students’ reading and note-taking. When using handouts remember to: ° Decide on a system for distribution as giving out paper to a large group is time-consuming and may disrupt the flow of your presentation. Some ideas are to: ° Place handouts on chairs before the audience arrives. PREPARING MATERIALS FOR TEACHING 151 Evaluation Monitor the cost-effectiveness and efficacy of your teaching materials. Summary Points ° Additional written materials, such as acetates, slides, flipcharts or handouts, are used to support teaching. Al­ though notes are traditionally associated with lectures, students will be re­ quired to record information from a variety of sources. These will include books, journal articles, audiovisual material, demonstrations and the stu- dent’s own clinical experience. In common with other skills it requires practice, and it is not as straightforward as it might seem at first. This section reviews the purpose of note-taking, and looks at how study notes facilitate the learning process. It also offers students some practical suggestions on how to improve their skills in note-taking. Purpose of notes There are several reasons for taking notes as a student. They can be used as both a learning tool and as a study aid for revision.

Those who knew him would agree with the wards of the late Samuel Kleinberg purchase 120 mg allegra with amex, MD, written in 1951 in the dedication of a volume of the Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases com- memorating Dr. Jaffe] is decidedly individualistic, but with opin- ions based on reasoning and experience. He is strong of will and freely gives his opinions, letting the ‘chips’ of information fly where they will. Jaffe was a devoted and fiercely loyal friend to those of his colleagues with whom he collaborated and whom he respected. He was revered by his students and especially by the hun- dreds of house officers in the New York area who attended his conferences and learned pathology from the man who “wrote the book. Jaffe had a life outside of the hospital, but it was Arthur Rocyn JONES indeed a rich one. The Arthur Rocyn Jones, consulting surgeon to the older, Arthur, was Professor of Mathematical Royal National Orthopedic Hospital, died peace- Physics at Harvard University in Cambridge, fully at his home on Stanmore Hill on February Massachusetts. The last 3 years, a period entertaining but liked to spend time with their of increasing frailty, had brought several alarms family and close relations even more. Jaffe about his health and once a spell of some weeks loved to garden and approached this activity with in hospital, but a strong Welsh constitution always the same passion as his scientific pursuits. He came to the rescue, keeping him on his feet with constructed a terrace on the grounds of one of a clear memory of the exciting events of his early their homes in Pelham and raised flowers, except career in orthopedics, almost to the very end. He for a brief period during World War II when he, was equally sustained by the deep but unobtrusive like many of his neighbors, converted it to a Christian belief that had governed the conduct of victory garden. He Over the years, Rocyn, as he was known affec- had an extensive record collection and often tionately, forged a strong personal link with the attended concerts. The Jaffes vacationed in early days of orthopedic surgery in Great Britain. Jaffe enjoyed In 1918, sponsored by Elmslie, the thinker, and outdoor activities with his wife and children. Bankart, the man of speedy action, he had been The worlds of pathology and radiology, and elected a founder member of the British Ortho- especially orthopedics, are deeply in the debt of pedic Association, of which in due course he this extraordinary man, who in his lifetime became the historian. To mark his 85th birthday, brought order to the chaos of bone pathology, the number of The Journal of Bone and Joint served as the final arbiter for countless puzzling Surgery for May 1968 was dedicated to him.

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It was not until the 1950s and 1960s buy allegra 180mg low cost, as the influence of religion declined and that of medicine increased, that the ‘disease concept of alcoholism’ gradually gained acceptance (Jellinek 1960). In 1977 the World Health Organisation adopted the term ‘alcohol dependence syndrome’, reflecting the new emphasis on ‘chemical dependency’ as the underlying pathology. By the 1980s, programmes of ‘detoxification’ and ‘rehabilitation’ under the control of the medical and psychiatric professions became the established forms of treating the problems of alcoholism. The establishment of medical jurisdiction over opiate, specifically heroin, addiction was more straightforward, for a number of reasons (Berridge 1999). First, until the 1960s, it was a marginal problem: according to one account, ‘there were so few heroin addicts in Britain that nearly all of them were known personally to the Home Office Drugs Branch Inspectorate’ (BMA 1997:7). Second, most of these were ‘anxious middle aged professional people’ (indeed many were doctors or nurses) who were not regarded as a threat to society. Third, heroin, a synthetic opiate first introduced (for its non- addictive qualities! In 1926 the Rolleston Report firmly defined heroin addiction as a disease and inaugurated the ‘British system’ of medical supervision. In the USA a more prohibitionist approach continued to criminalise heroin, with the effect, as in the sphere of alcohol, of encouraging illicit supply networks (Berridge 1979). It was not until the 1970s and 1980s, that heroin abuse became identified as a significant social problem, now associated with an 108 THE EXPANSION OF HEALTH ‘underclass’ of alienated and marginalised youth. This resulted in some tension between the medical profession and the criminal justice system as the civil authorities insisted on tighter methods of regulation, as well as imposing harsher penalties on users and dealers. As we have seen, the penal and medical approaches subsequently converged in the extensive methadone maintenance programmes of the 1990s.

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Characteristically it is used to describe an altered level of consciousness cheap allegra 120 mg, which may range from drowsiness to a failure of selective attention, to hypervigilance; with or without: disordered perception, memory (i. As with terms, such as coma and stupor, it is probably better to give a description of the patients clinical state rather than use a term that is open to variable interpretation. Although the term is sometimes reserved for metabolic causes of diffuse brain dysfunction, this usage is not universal. Conditions which may be described as an encephalopathy include: Metabolic disorders: hypoxia/ischemia, hypoglycemia; organ fail- ure, electrolyte disturbances, hypertension - 110 - Environmental Tilt E Drug/toxin ingestion Brain inflammation/infection (e. Cross References Asterixis; Coma; Delirium; Myoclonus; Stupor; Tremor En Garde Position - see FENCER’S POSTURE; FENCING POSTURE Enophthalmos Enophthalmos is an inward displacement of the eyeball (sinking or withdrawal) into the eye socket (cf. It is classically described as one of the cardinal features of Horner’s syndrome (along with miosis, ptosis, and anhidrosis) but is seldom actually measured. Enophthalmos may also occur in dehydration (probably the most common cause), orbital trauma (e. Cross References Anhidrosis; Exophthalmos; Hemifacial atrophy; Horner’s syndrome; Miosis; Ptosis Entomopia Entomopia (literally “insect eye”) is the name given to a grid-like pat- tern of multiple copies of the same visual image; hence, this is a type of polyopia. This phenomenon has been reported in migraine; its pathogenesis is uncertain. Neurology 1993; 43: 2145-2146 Cross References Polyopia Environmental Dependency Syndrome - see IMITATION BEHAVIOR; UTILIZATION BEHAVIOR Environmental Tilt Environmental tilt, also known as tortopia, is the sensation that visual space is tilted on its side or even upside down (“floor-on-ceiling” phe- nomenon, “upside-down” reversal of vision, verkehrtsehen). The temptation to dismiss such bizarre symp- toms as functional should be resisted, since environmental tilt is pre- sumed to reflect damage to connections between cerebellar and central vestibular-otolith pathways. It has been reported in the following situations: Lateral medullary syndrome of Wallenberg Transient ischemic attacks in basilar artery territory - 111 - E Epiphora Demyelinating disease Head injury Encephalitis Following third ventriculostomy for hydrocephalus Cross References Lateral medullary syndrome; Vertigo; Vestibulo-ocular reflexes Epiphora Epiphora is overflow of tears down the cheek. This may be due to a blocked nasolacrimal duct, or irritation to the cornea causing increased lacrimation, but it may also be neurological in origin, e.

Freiberg always took an active part in the was always foremost in aiding advancements that affairs of his profession and was a member of came to orthopedic surgery through the enlarge- the American Medical Association purchase allegra 180 mg mastercard, the American ment of the field of surgery resulting from the Orthopedic Association, the Clinical Orthopedic advent of antiseptic surgery. He kept in close Society, and a Fellow of the American College touch with the departments of medicine other than of Surgeons and of the American Academy of that to which he devoted his life, and he did this Orthopedic Surgeons. He was also active in on principle as part of his eager quest for knowl- local medical affairs. He was President of the edge, which was evident in his clear sense of Ohio Medical Society, 1929–1930; the Cincinnati values and breadth of grasp. His consideration of Academy of Medicine, 1923–1924; and Chair- all sides of any problem gave weight and confi- man of the Orthopedic Section of the American dence to his decision. Freiberg died in Cincinnati, July played an important part in the establishment of 14, 1940, after an illness of 2 weeks. He was sur- orthopedic surgery in his city and state, and the vived by his wife, who was Jeannette Freiberg, present position of orthopedic surgery in that and two sons. He was Chief of the Orthope- dic Service at the Cincinnati General Hospital, at the Children’s Hospital, and at the Jewish Hospi- 106 Who’s Who in Orthopedics Jules FROMENT 1878–1946 Jules Froment was Professor of Medicine at Lyons, and devoted his life to neurology, com- bining diligent observation, a philosophical ap- proach and debating skill. Graduating in 1906 with a thesis on disease of the heart in thyrotoxicosis, he remained at Lyons until the Great War. After a year at the front, he joined a nerve injuries unit at Rennes, and later was at Paris with Babinski. During this time he evolved a series of tests for nerve dysfunction, the best known being his sign of ulnar nerve weakness; another was loss of the hollow of the anatomical snuff box in radial nerve injury. After the war he ran a Red Cross Hospital in Lyons, and the encephalitis epidemic of 1918–1922 provided another intellectual chal- Ronald FURLONG lenge. In 1926 he nearly died as a result of being 1909–2002 severely injured by one of his patients. Froment pointed out the difference between a pinch grip and grasping, both of which are Ronald Furlong, the pioneer of hydroxyapatite- impaired by a low ulnar nerve palsy due to weak- coated hip replacements, died on August 12, 2002 ness of adductor pollicis. Today it is used to assess flexor polli- Switzerland, which fittingly reflects his strong cis brevis. He was honored by Pope Pius XII with a special blessing for his work among the civilian popula- tion in Milan at the end of World War II.

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