


By B. Kippler. Georgian Court College.

A thorough understanding of female endocrinol- crease in estrogen secretion and a concomitant increase in ogy purchase loxitane 25 mg visa, anatomy, and physiology are critical to gaining in- LH and FSH, which is characteristic of menopausal women sights into solving this major health problem. Environmental factors, disor- LH stimulates ovarian stroma cells to continue producing ders of the central nervous system, hypothalamic disease, androstenedione. Estrone, derived almost entirely from the pituitary disorders, and ovarian abnormalities can interfere peripheral conversion of adrenal and ovarian androstene- with follicular development and/or ovulation. Be- ovulation occurs, structural, pathological, and/or endocrine cause the ratio of estrogens to androgens decreases, some problems associated with the oviduct and/or uterus can pre- women exhibit hirsutism, which results from androgen ex- vent fertilization, impede the transport or implantation of cess. The lack of estrogen causes atrophic changes in the the embryo, and, ultimately, interfere with the establish- breasts and reproductive tract, accompanied by vaginal ment or maintenance of pregnancy. Similar changes in the urinary tract may give rise to urinary distur- Amenorrhea Is Caused by Endocrine Disruption bances. Menstrual cycle disorders can be divided into two cate- Hot flashes, as a result of the loss of vasomotor tone, os- gories: amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation, and teoporosis, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease are oligomenorrhea, infrequent or irregular menstruation. Hot flashes are associated with episodic in- mary amenorrhea is a condition in which menstruation has creases in upper body and skin temperature, peripheral va- never occurred. They occur concurrently with LH called gonadal dysgenesis, a congenital abnormality caused pulses but are not caused by the gonadotropins because they by a nondisjunction of one of the X chromosomes, resulting are evident in hypophysectomized women. Because the two X chro- sisting of episodes of sudden warmth and sweating, reflect mosomes are necessary for normal ovarian development, temporary disturbances in the hypothalamic thermoregula- women with this condition have rudimentary gonads and do tory centers, which are somehow linked to the GnRH pulse not have a normal puberty. Estrogen an- Other abnormalities include short stature, a webbed neck, a tagonizes the effects of PTH on bone but enhances its ef- coarctation of the aorta, and renal disorders. Another congenital form of primary amenorrhea is hy- Estrogen also promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium pogonadotropism with anosmia, similar to Kallmann’s syn- TABLE 38. Patients do not progress ies reveal that exogenous TRH increases the secretion of through normal puberty and have low and nonpulsatile LH PRL. However, they can have normal stature, press ovulation is not entirely clear. The disorder is caused by a that PRL may inhibit GnRH release, reduce LH secretion in failure of olfactory lobe development and GnRH defi- response to GnRH stimulation, and act directly at the level ciency. Primary amenorrhea can also be caused by a con- of the ovary by inhibiting the action of LH and FSH on fol- genital malformation of reproductive tract structures origi- licle development.

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Neurosis frequently causes intense anxiety or abnormal distress that brings about increased sympathetic stimulation proven loxitane 10 mg. Psychosis, Occipital a more serious mental condition, is typified by personality disin- condyle Atlas tegration and a loss of contact with reality. The more common forms of psychosis include schizophrenia, in which a person with- Spinal cord draws into a world of fantasy; paranoia, in which a person has sys- tematized delusions, often of a persecutory nature; and Axis manic-depressive psychosis, in which a person’s moods swing widely from intense elation to deepest despair. Creek Epilepsy Epilepsy is a relatively common brain disorder with a strong FIGURE 11. Injuries such as this may cause permanent loss of some (without demonstrable cause). A child experiencing a petit mal seizure loses contact with Paralysis is a permanent loss of motor control, usually re- reality for 5 to 30 seconds but does not lose consciousness or sulting from disease or a lesion of the spinal cord or specific display convulsions. During a petit mal seizure, the thal- side is called hemiplegia, and paralysis of all four extremities is amus and hypothalamus produce an extremely slow EEG pat- quadriplegia. Children with petit mal usually paralysis generally results from a lesion of the anterior horn cells outgrow the condition by age 9 or 10 and generally require no and is characterized by noncontractile muscles that atrophy. Spastic paralysis results from lesions of the corticospinal tracts of Psychomotor epilepsy is often confused with mental ill- the spinal cord and is characterized by hypertonicity of the skele- ness because of the symptoms characteristic of the seizure. Occasionally during a seizure, specific cerebral motor areas end automobile collision. Recovery of a minor whiplash (muscle will cause involuntary lip smacking or hand clapping. Severe areas in the brain are not stimulated, a person having a psy- whiplash (spinal cord compression) may cause permanent paraly- chomotor epileptic seizure may wander aimlessly until the seizure sis to the structures below the level of injury. Grand mal is a more serious form of epilepsy characterized by periodic convulsive seizures that generally render a person un- Disorders of the Nervous System conscious.

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Other parts of the corpus silateral side 10mg loxitane mastercard, and the cingulum is a fiber bundle located internal to callosum are not related to the hippocampal commissure, and the the cingulate cortex. The fibers of the genu of the corpus callo- spiral fibers of the hippocampus are bundles within the hippocam- sum contain corticocortical fibers that pass between the cerebral pal formation in the temporal lobe. Answer C: The internal medullary lamina is a vertically ori- dal and inferior aspect of the pulvinar. The groove between the ented sheet of fibers that extends from the rostral portion of the medial geniculate body and the pulvinar contains the brachium of thalamus caudally to surround the centromedian nucleus; this nu- the superior colliculus. The geniculate bodies and the pulvinar cleus is frequently referred to as “in” the internal medullary lam- have a common blood supply from the thalamogeniculate artery, ina due to its position. None of the other choices have a close apposition cleus from the laterally adjacent ventral anterior, ventral lateral, with the geniculate bodies. The anterior thalamic, rostral dorso- and ventral posterolateral nuclei. The external medullary lamina medial, and subthalamic nuclei do not share a common blood sup- is located between the thalamus and the posterior limb of the in- ply with the pulvinar. Answer A: The mammillothalamic tract extends from the ing rostrocaudally along the upper medial edge of the thalamus mammillary bodies to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus; the from the general location of the interventricular foramen to the cells of origin are in the mammillary nuclei and the axons termi- habenula, and the ansa lenticularis contains pallidothalamic fibers. The ventral anterior nucleus is laterally ad- jacent to the mammillothalamic tract, but does not receive input 19. The other choices are nuclei located more caudally in stantia nigra by only a thin layer of myelinated fibers; these two the diencephalon. Damage to the sub- thalamic nucleus gives rise to hemiballistic movements (described in this question) while loss of cells in the substantia nigra results in 14. Answer A: Many of the fibers contained in the optic tract ter- the motor deficits seen in Parkinson’s disease. Some of these fibers by- globus pallidus, and the medial geniculate nucleus are all lateral to pass this nucleus to traverse the brachium of the superior collicu- the internal capsule; the subthalamic nucleus is medial.

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