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Use a sists of increasing intake of foods containing B-complex single buy lumigan drop 3ml otc, pure form of vitamin A rather than a multivitamin, vitamins or giving multivitamin preparations. Give doses no preparations contain all the B vitamins; other vitamins larger than 25,000 U daily unless a severe deficiency is may also be included. Give orally if not contraindicated; give intra- • If a single deficiency seems predominant, that vitamin muscularly if gastrointestinal (GI) absorption is severely may be given alone or along with a multivitamin prepa- impaired or ocular symptoms are severe. For example, folic acid deficiency is much less • With vitamin K deficiency, bleeding may occur sponta- widespread than formerly, but may still occur. Thus, administration tributed to inadequate dietary intake, loss in cooking and of vitamin K and measures to prevent bleeding are in- food processing, and intestinal disorders that inhibit dicated. In addition, folic acid is depleted by alcohol may be given for a few days until serum prothrombin and several medications, including antibiotics containing activity returns to a normal range. In obstructive jaun- trimethoprim (eg, Bactrim), phenytoin, methotrexate, dice, bile salts must be given at the same time as oral vi- and oral contraceptives. Rea- sons include inadequate dietary intake and the use of large amounts of thiamine to metabolize ethanol. One type occurs with pyri- You receive an order for K 5 mg IM STAT for a patient. You see KCl doxine deficiency and is relieved by administration of in your stock supply that comes in 10 mEq/10 mL. Megaloblastic anemias, characterized by draw up and administer 5 mL of KCl IM to the patient. However, the recom- ✔ Vitamins are required for normal body metabolism and mended daily intake for adults is 400 mcg. For the most part, they must be obtained ✔ Vitamins from supplements exert the same physiologic from the diet or from vitamin supplements. A healthful diet usually in smaller amounts than those recommended for supplies vitamins, minerals, protein, water, fiber, and prob- daily intake. Vitamin Self-Administration content of foods, especially B vitamins and vitamin C, can ✔ If supplementary vitamins are taken, it is probably advis- be increased by avoiding prolonged cooking.

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The timing of administration of clot busters for patients with certain types of stroke can mean the difference between full recovery or no recov- ery cheap lumigan drop 3ml mastercard, and the window of opportunity for these patients is small, usually within three hours of the onset of symptoms. For patients with acute myocardial infarction, the administration of aspirin and beta-blockers within the first 24 hours is critical to survival. Prospective chart review also allows the data collection staff to spot patient trends as they develop, rather than getting the information in a ret- rospective fashion after the patients have been discharged. For instance, an increasing incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia may be detected sooner, or an increase in the rate of aspiration in patients with stroke may be spotted as it occurs. Prospective data collection is very costly and time consuming, and it often requires several full-time data analysts. Administrative Databases Administrative databases are a common source of data for quality improve- ment projects. Administrative data refers to information that is collected, Data Collection 125 processed, and stored in automated information systems. This includes enrollment or eligibility information, claims information, and managed care encounters. The claims and encounters may be for hospital and other facil- ity services, professional services, prescription drug services, laboratory services, and so on. Examples of administrative data sources include hospital or physician office billing systems, health plan claims databases, health information man- agement or medical record systems, and registration systems (admission/ discharge/transfer). Ideally, a hospital will also maintain a cost accounting system that not only integrates the previously mentioned systems into one database but also provides the extremely important elements of patient cost. Although each of these sources has its unique characteristics, for the purposes of discussion they will be considered collectively under admin- istrative databases (with the exception of health plan claims databases, which will be covered later in the chapter). Administrative databases are an excellent source of data for report- ing on clinical quality, financial performance, and some patient outcomes. They are a less expensive source of data compared to other alterna- tives such as chart review or prospective data collection techniques.

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