


By G. Garik. Wilberforce University.

M wave is consistently suppressed by a superficial A more parsimonious explanation is that there is radial volley (single shock purchase topamax 25 mg with visa, 4 × PT). In the ECR of a longer intraspinal pathway for caudal motoneu- normal subjects, the mean suppression is on aver- rones, and this implicates premotoneurones located age 32% at the ISI where it is maximal (Fig. Here again, this suggests that the rones (the greater this component, the more pro- excitatory interneurones inhibited by the superficial found can be the cutaneous suppression); and radial volley, the presumed site of disfacilitation, are (ii) the excitability of the interneurones medi- located rostral to the motoneurones, as are C3–C4 ating feedback inhibition to propriospinal neurones propriospinal neurones. There are a number of other analogies descending inputs maintaining the voluntary firing with the feline system of C3–C4 propriospinal neu- ofthemotorunitrequiredforthePSTHs(seebelow). Organisation and pattern Peripheral propriospinally mediated excitation has of connections been found in motor units of all upper limb muscles explored, except the intrinsic hand muscles (Pierrot- Deseilligny, 1996). Excitatory inputs to propriospinal neurones Weakness of the peripheral excitatory input Peripheral excitatory input In the cat, excitation from the deep radial nerve is Peripheral afferent input found in only 23% of propriospinal neurones (Illert et al. In the human studies, spindleIaafferents(Malmgren&Pierrot-Deseilligny, excitation was investigated under conditions that 1988a). There may also be a contribution from cuta- would favour spatial facilitation in propriospinal neous afferents, though to a lesser extent (Gracies neurones between the peripheral volley and the et al. Accordingly, peripheral (i) The particular PSTH technique used tends propriospinally mediated facilitation of the H reflex to raise the threshold for monosynaptic Ia excita- is weak and often absent at rest or during tonic tion with respect to that of late excitation (stim- contractions (e. Propriospinally mediated facilitation elicited in the PSTHs of the same FDS unit by stimulation of various nerves. Propriospinally mediated excitation from each muscle is transmitted to a given motoneurone (MN) pool (here flexor digitorum superficialis, FDS) through different subsets of propriospinal neurones (PN) (see pp. Latencies are measured from the monosynaptic latency following median nerve stimulation at 1 × MT, after allowance for the differences in peripheral afferent conduction times.

Theearlyphaseofradial-induced tion of PAD interneurones mediating presynaptic Resume´ ´ 235 inhibition on Ia terminals to antagonistic motoneu- Resume´ ´ rones cheap 100mg topamax, this helps prevent a stretch reflex in the antagonistic muscle. In addition, a specific role for Background from animal experiments increased reciprocal Ia inhibition is to oppose the activation of opposite Ia interneurones, activated by IainterneuronesreceivemonosynapticinputfromIa the stretch-induced Ia discharge in the antagonist afferents and project, through a glycinergic synapse, muscle, because this would otherwise inhibit ago- onto motoneurones antagonistic to those innervat- nist motoneurones. Thus, motoneurones and Ia interneurones is flexible, they: (i) receive the same inputs from descend- dependent on the motor task. Ia interneurones activated from ankle flexors and extensors is modulated to inhibit flexor Ia afferents are inhibited by Ia interneu- the antagonist of the active muscle, but this rones activated from extensor Ia afferents, and vice modulation is less marked than during voluntary versa), and (iii) are inhibited by Renshaw cells acti- contractions, possibly to help stabilisation of the vatedbycollateralsfromthosemotoneuroneswhich ankle during the stance phase. There is probably a par- Most studies have investigated spastic patients. With the diffuse lesions typical of mul- tiple sclerosis, reciprocal inhibition of soleus is also Underlying principle reduced, but there is no correlation between degree Reciprocal Ia inhibition is a disynaptic inhibition, of reciprocal Ia inhibition of soleus and the dis- elicited by a Ia volley originating from the antagonis- ability of patients. In contrast, reciprocal Ia inhi- tic muscle, and is depressed by recurrent inhibition. Evidence for reciprocal Ia inhibition Elicitation by Ia volleys The low electrical threshold of the inhibition and the absence of a comparable effect from cutaneous 236 Reciprocal Ia inhibition volleys indicate that it is of group I origin. Disynaptic transmission Organisation and pattern of connections Adisynapticpathwayissuggestedifthecentraldelay of the inhibition of the H reflex is ∼1ms, taking Pattern and strength of reciprocal Ia inhibition account of the peripheral afferent conduction times at rest at different joints for the conditioning and test Ia pathways. A precise method, independent of peripheral conduction dis- Hinge joints tances and conduction velocities, can be used when While the criteria for true reciprocal Ia inhibition reciprocal inhibition between flexors and extensors (inhibition between strict antagonists, elicitation by operating at the same joint are tested in the same a pure Ia volley, depression by recurrent inhibition) subject in both directions. The method rests on the arefulfilledatankleandelbowlevels,thedataarenot assumptions that the same afferents are responsible yet conclusive at knee level. At ankle level, mono- for the H reflex (or the peak of homonymous Ia exci- synaptic excitation due to stimulation of super- tation in the PSTH) and the short-latency inhibition ficial peroneal afferents could have obscured the of the H reflex (or the PSTH) in the antagonist, and deep peroneal-induced inhibition in some studies.

Skin Maturation of plantar responses areas which produced primarily excitation are indi- In 1898 topamax 25mg otc,Babinski drew attention to the presence cated by +, and those which produced inhibition of an upward response of toe 1 in the newborn, by –. It should be noted that gastrocnemius-soleus a phenomenon that had not escaped the renais- responded in a reciprocal manner to tibialis ante- sance artist, Botticelli (see Lance, 2002). In normal rior, activated from those skin areas which inhibited neonates, stimulation of the sole of the foot pro- the flexor, and vice versa. These results agree fairly duces a flexion synergy with an upward response of wellwiththoseobtainedinthespinalcat(seep. As the Theweakvoluntarycontractionusedintheseexperi- pyramidal system matures, the response of the toes ments probably did not bias the results significantly: becomes reversed at a variable age from 7 months to noxious stimuli applied to the distal part of the limb ayear or more, and the entire flexion reflex becomes produce an early facilitation of the biceps femoris less brisk. In most normal adults all that is left is a tendon jerk and inhibition of quadriceps and soleus subtle contraction of proximal muscles, particularly tendon jerks at ISIs corresponding to the latencies of the tensor fasciae latae (see van Gijn, 1996). In this of the excitatory and inhibitory responses in the Withdrawal reflexes 405 on-going EMG of these muscles (Hugon, 1973, and when applied to the index finger than to finger V, Fig. Again, this reflexes in humans can be summarised by stating indicates a functional organisation of the underly- that extensor muscles are inhibited from most parts ing spinal circuitry which is not based on anatom- of the limb as part of the flexion withdrawal, but are ical metameric boundaries, but on the functional activatedbycutaneousstimulioverthemuscleitself. Appropriately, there is a There are reciprocal responses in antagonistic flexor similar topographic organisation of tactile cutaneo- muscles. The finding that The main function of early nociceptive the H reflex and the MEP in the APB are similarly reflexes is protective inhibited by noxious cutaneous stimuli indicates The flexion movement which occurs at joints prox- that the suppression is due to postsynaptic inhibi- imal to the stimulus represents the classical flexion tion of motoneurones, not to presynaptic inhibition reflex, and has an avoidance capacity. The protective of the contraction-associated Ia afferent activity that function of extension movements at joints distal to helps sustain the voluntary contraction (Manconi, the stimulus is also protective if the subject is stand- Syed & Floeter, 1998;Fig. Simi- larly,astimulustothebuttockproducesextensionof Therehavebeenfewstudiesofwithdrawalresponses the hip and contraction of the erector spinae, both in non-contracting muscles of the upper limb. Cam- of which result in withdrawal from the stimulus (see bier, Dehen & Bathien (1974)reported that stimula- Kugelberg, Eklund & Grimby, 1960;Fig.

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