


By X. Lester. Greenville College.

A comfortable position should be encouraged cheap zagam 200mg otc, and the partner may want to adopt the more active role initially. PHASE III CARDIAC REHABILITATION Phase III is traditionally the phase where structured exercise is the key element. In addi- tion, during this phase the aim is to help the patients learn to self-monitor their exercise and to increase safely activity at home and in other exercise environments. Warm-up The purpose of the warm-up is to prepare the muscular, nervous, cardiac, res- piratory and vascular systems for the main workout. In other words, a warm- up prepares the body for the change from rest to exercise. The warm-up should be carried out at a low intensity and speed, repetition and exertion should be progressively increased. This graduated approach allows the heart to adapt to increased demand and to avoid the myocardial ischaemia and arrhythmias that may be provoked by sudden strenuous exercise (Dimsdale, et al. Stren- uous exercise without a warm-up can produce ischaemic ST segment changes and arrhythmias, even in healthy individuals (ACPICR, 2003). The warm-up should include: pulse-raising exercises, mobility exercises and preparatory stretches as follows: Pulse-Raising Exercises These exercises gradually elevate the heart rate, thus giving the heart time to increase stroke volume and cardiac output. For patients with residual ischaemic/angina, a slow elevation will extend this threshold (BACR, 1995). During exercise, increased oxygen demands on the heart muscle are met through vasodilation of the coronary arteries, caused by local chemical changes (increase in CO2 and lactic acid). In addition, the increase in myocar- dial oxygen requirement stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release noradrenaline, causing further vasodilation of the coronary arteries. There is an associated increase in aortic pressure, which, due to the anatomy of the coronary arteries (situated at the bottom of the aorta), forces more blood into the coronary circulation. The ability of the body to maintain an adequate blood supply is important, as energy for the cardiac muscle relies almost entirely on Exercise Prescription 103 aerobic metabolism.

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I found that most of the patients who got better were those who accepted the idea that their pain was the result of emotional factors effective 200 mg zagam. Some who improved remained skeptical of the diagnosis but responded well to the physical therapy. It was also apparent that some physical therapists were more successful than others. The most important factor in recovery is that the person must be made aware of what is going on; in other words, that the information provided is the “penicillin” for this 70 The Treatment of TMS 71 disorder. Some patients will respond to physical therapy and/or the physical therapist with a placebo reaction. The effectiveness of the placebo reaction was easy to understand but I was mystified by the obvious importance of informing the patient of what was going on. However, I was delighted with its effectiveness, and my cure rate was distinctly better. In addition I finally had the feeling that I knew what was going on despite my inability to explain all the details. That wasn’t too upsetting, for after all we were dealing with a process of the brain and it is common knowledge that little is known about how the brain works. During this period I worked closely with a group of talented physical therapists who had learned all about the Tension Myositis Syndrome and combined their physical treatment with discussion of the psychological factors involved. It was a painful decision to stop using physical therapy later on because I so appreciated the work of these dedicated professionals. Also during those early years I developed a close working relationship with a small group of psychologists on the staff of the Howard A. Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, an association that has continued to this day. I learned a lot of psychology from them and they have played an important role in the treatment of those patients who needed psychotherapy in order to get better. In 1979, perhaps later than I should have, I began to bring groups of patients together for what one might call lecture- discussions. With each passing year it became increasingly obvious that educating the patient about TMS was the crucial therapeutic 72 Healing Back Pain factor.

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Approximately 20% to 50% of all cases eventually require surgical inter- vention (28) discount zagam 200 mg on-line. Up to 10% of patients eventually have long-term sequelae, including growth disturbance, loss of function, malalignment, and defor- mity (8,9,16,23,28). There is evidence that a delay in initiation of therapy (>4 days after onset of symptoms), certain infecting organisms (methicillin-resistant S. Summary of Evidence: Most patients respond clinically to systemic anti- biotics within 48 hours. If there is no clinical response to therapy, repeat imaging should be performed to exclude complications that would require surgical intervention such as abscess collections, extensive soft tissue exten- sion, or necrotic tissue. The performance characteristics of MRI are ideal in this setting (moderate to limited evidence). Supporting Evidence: Approximately 95% to 98% of patients respond clini- cally to antibiotic therapy alone (76). However, approximately 5% to 10% of patients eventually require surgical intervention (77,78). The liter- ature supports the use of MRI for evaluation of necrosis, abscess collections, and soft tissue extension (63–65,79) (moderate evidence to limited evi- dence). This information can be helpful for the surgeon in planning the sur- gical approach and method of debridement. There are also some data in the literature suggesting that MRI should be the repeat imaging modality of choice if the site of infection is localized to the spine or pelvis. There is a higher incidence of abscess formation in these deep infections, which would require earlier surgical evaluation and treatment (33,57,63,80). What Is the Diagnostic Performance of Imaging of Osteomyelitis and Septic Arthritis in the Adult? Summary of Evidence: Overall, MRI appears to be the imaging modality of choice to evaluate for osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in the adult popu- lation, including the diabetic patient and intravenous drug users. The ability to localize symptoms and inherent high spatial resolution allows exact anatomic detail that may be helpful for surgical planning (limited to moderate evidence).

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