


By J. Kerth. Southern Utah University.

The effect of C-afferent fibres on Pain measurement DH neurones increases greatly following inflamma- tion generic 20 mg mevacor visa. Thus, it has been suggested that, in the absence Clinical inspection of peripheral muscle pathology, acute pain is mainly due to A -fibres, while chronic muscle pain is related In examining the muscular system, one should not to C-fibres. This can be performed by: 1997), myositis-induced hyperexcitability of DH neurones involves the activation of neurokinin 1 • Observing movements. They constitute a large group of muscle dis- can be expressed unidimensionally with categorical orders characterized by hypersensitive sites (called TP) rating scales, numerical rating scales and visual ana- within: one or more muscles, the underlying connect- logue scales. Symptoms include: using the McGill pain questionnaire (MPQ) and a diagram allowing patients to mark the areas of pain. Although local pain may also be present, the symp- • Referred pain – most frequently manifested as sec- toms are usually referred to a deep area in muscle dis- ondary hyperalgesia, in dermatomes and myotomes tant from the TP. Symptoms Trigger Points (TP) Clinical syndromes A TP (also known as a trigger area, trigger zone or myal- gic spot) is so named because its stimulation, by pres- Muscle pain is not synonymous with muscle disease. Muscle tissue During a physical examination, systematic palpation represents a large amount of body weight (up to 30% of muscles may cause the patient to jump, wince, or of overall body mass in young athletes) and is pro- cry out, because of pressure on the extremely tender vided with a rich innervation. TPs can develop in any muscle of the body, but plaints’ that cannot be attributed to diseases of the occur most frequently in: spine, joints or connective tissues have their source in Neck. They are usually located in the mid-portion of the 2 Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), with diffuse pain. Only active TPs are responsible for clin- • Fibromyalgia: Characterized by local tenderness at ical pain complaints. A latent TP may cause limi- tation of range of movement and weakness in the affected muscle. Myofascial pain syndromes Taut band These syndromes occur frequently, may cause severe disabling pain and once recognized, are relatively According to Travell and Simons (1983), a palpable simple to manage. They have been described using a taut band associated with a TP is a critically important MYOFASCIAL/MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN 131 area.

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Empiric therapy normal or baseline or clinical signs of liver toxicity is an for infective endocarditis in the elderly should be indication to discontinue isoniazid (and rifampin and 113 directed toward streptococci generic 20 mg mevacor overnight delivery, enterococci, and staphylo- pyrazinamide). A suggested regimen is intravenous ampicillin, mal liver function tests, the isoniazid (and other drugs) nafcillin (or oxacillin), and an aminoglycoside (e. Recurrence of liver abnormalities requires a gic to beta-lactam antibiotics should be prescribed van- trial of an alternative therapeutic regimen. Duration of therapy varies depending on severity of illness, sensitivity of the organism(s) to the antibiotics, complications of endo- carditis, valve involvement (e. Antimicrobial As the American population ages and the incidence of therapy for infective endocarditis generally is for 4 to 6 childhood rheumatic heart disease has declined, the inci- weeks; prosthetic valve endocarditis requires at least 6 dence of infective endocarditis has risen in the elderly; weeks of treatment. Pneumococcal bacteremia in adults: age-dependent dif- ferences in presentation and in outcome. Infectious complications of diabetes melli- elderly: incidence, ecology, etiology and mortality. Approach to fever and infec- echocardiography: clinical features and prognosis com- tion in the nursing home. Community-acquired bacteremic a long-term-care facility: a five-year prospective study of urinary tract infection: epidemiology and outcome. Hematologic Problems 825 A normal or reduced reticulocyte count should prompt the consideration of hepatic or endocrine disorders. If Transfusion is associated with significant risks, such as these screening surveys are negative, an additional labo- volume overload, immunologic transfusion reactions, and ratory test should be preformed. Consequently, transfu- Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy sion should not be given simply because a patient’s Serum iron, TIBC, transferrin saturation, and ferritin hemoglobin or hematocrit has reached an arbitrary level. Indications for transfusion include acute blood loss with symptoms of hypovolemia, progressive symptoms of decreased oxygen delivery such as angina or increasing Examination of the blood and bone marrow is fre- confusion, or symptomatic anemia that is refractory to quently sufficient to establish or exclude the diagnoses nontransfusion therapy.

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Myopathies Hereditary distal myopathies – Infantile or adult-onset dominant type – Autosomal recessive type (Miyoshi myopathy) Myotonic dystrophy Scapulohumeral peroneal syndromes – Bethlehem myopathy – Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy – Scapulohumeral syndrome with dementia – Scapuloperoneal syndrome Neuropathies Idiopathic chronic neuropathy – Axonal form – Demyelinating form Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy – Type I: Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease – Type II: Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease buy 20 mg mevacor with amex, neuronal type – Type III: Dejerine–Sottas disease – Type IV: Refsum disease Other genetic neuropathies – Giant axonal neuropathy – Metachromatic leukodystrophy Neuropathies with systemic disease – Drug-induced neuropathy (e. Infectious diseases Guillain–Barré syndrome (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculo- neuropathy) Acute infectious myositis Enterovirus infections (e. Sensory and Autonomic Disturbances 63 Sensory and Autonomic Disturbances These conditions present with pain, dysesthesias, and loss of sensitivity. Brachial neuritis – Acute idiopathic brachial neuritis – Familial recurrent brachial neuritis – Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Congenital insensitivity to There is no sensory neuropathy; pain indifference is pain due to severe mental retardation, e. Acute Hemiplegia 65 – Abetalipoproteinemia, hypolipoproteinemia – Maple syrup urine dis- ease – Pyruvate dysmetabo- lism – Adrenoleukodystrophy Acute Hemiplegia The acute onset suggests either a vascular or an epileptic etiology. Stroke – Arteriovenous malfor- mation – Brain tumors and sys- temic cancer – Carotid disorders E. Pain and weakness together are signs of plexopathy, syringomyelia, and tumors of the cervical cord or brachial plexus. Plexopathies – Acute idiopathic A demyelinating disorder of the brachial and lumbar plexitis plexuses – Osteomyelitis, Ischemic nerve damage due to vasculitis neuritis – Hopkins syndrome Postasthmatic viral spinal paralysis due to infection of the anterior horn cells – Injuries! Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum 67 Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum Agenesis of the corpus callosum is one of the more common congenital abnormalities, occurring in 0. Interhemispheric arachnoid cyst Interhemispheric lipoma Agyria or lissencephaly Pachygyria Schizencephaly Heterotopias Dandy–Walker syndrome Holoprosencephaly Septo-optic dysplasia Chiari malformation, types I and II Trisomy 13–15 and 18 Aicardi’s syndrome Agenesis of the corpus callosum, epilepsy, and choroidal abnormalities Megalencephaly Metabolic and toxic causes Cerebral edema – Benign intracranial hypertension – Intoxication E. Only one-third of the cases are reversible Changes in the mucous membrane – Infections E. Oculomotor Nerve Palsy 71 Carotid–cavernous fistula Dural arteriovenous malformation Diabetic infarction of Pupil spared in 80% of cases; classically described as the nerve trunk painful, although it can be painless; reversible within three months Fungal infection E.

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