


By F. Daro. University of Oregon.

Except for a short portion near the stomach generic 500mg tylenol, the duodenum is retroperitoneal. Its concave surface faces to the left, where it receives bile secretions from the liver and SMALL INTESTINE gallbladder through the common bile duct and pancreatic The small intestine, consisting of the duodenum, jejunum, and secretions through the pancreatic duct of the pancreas ileum, is the site where digestion is completed and nutrients are (fig. The surface area of the intestinal wall is increased by entry into the duodenum called the hepatopancreatic am- plicae circulares, intestinal villi, and microvilli. It is here that bile and pancreatic juice intestine and the way in which it is supported. The duodenal papilla can be opened or closed by the action of the sphincter of ampulla Objective 13 List the functions of the small intestine and (of Oddi). The duodenum differs histologically from the describe the structural adaptations through which these functions are accomplished. These Objective 14 Describe the movements that occur within the compound tubuloalveolar glands secrete mucus and are small intestine. It has pyloric sphincter of the stomach and the ileocecal valve that a slightly larger lumen and more internal folds than does opens into the large intestine. It is positioned in the central and the ileum, but its histological structure is similar to that of lower portions of the abdominal cavity and is supported, except the ileum. The fan- shaped mesentery permits movement of the small intestine but leaves little chance for it to become twisted or kinked. Enclosed within the mesentery are blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels that supply the intestinal wall. Digestive System © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Body Companies, 2001 Chapter 18 Digestive System 653 Duodenum Jejunum Intestinal v Ileum Tunica muscularis FIGURE 18. The terminal portion of the ileum empties • The three meter length of the small intestine. In a light micro- The products of digestion are absorbed across the epithelial lin- scope, the microvilli display a somewhat vague brush ing of the intestinal mucosa. Absorption occurs primarily in the jejunum, although some also occurs in the duodenum and ileum.

Lesions are present in both white and gray matter order 500 mg tylenol overnight delivery, but the gray matter lesions are less evident on casu- al inspection. Lesions range from acute plaques with active inflammatory infiltrates and macrophages loaded with lipid and myelin degeneration products to chronic, inactive, demyelinated scars. Slowed conduction and conduction failure occurs in demyeli- nated fibers. Conduction failure is due to fiber fatigue or to an increase in body temperature or both. Ongoing inflammation, demyelination, and scarring ultimately result in irreversible axonal damage and loss. Acute MS lesions are characterized by T lympohocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and bare, demyelinated, or transected axons. Brain atrophy in MS is widely recognized and represents a neg- ative pathologic change. It may develop as an early measure of disease progression, and its slowing may be used as a measure of therapy efficacy in long-term management. Most patients are young women whose presenting symptoms are episodic neurologic problems that spontaneously improve. The less common presentation is an older man or woman who has gradual development of neurologic deficits. The only exception to this is in primary progressive MS, in which there is an equal ratio. African Americans have levels of MS consistent with the mix- ing of the gene pool. This type of MS has an older age onset, fewer brain lesions on MRI, and more enhancing lesions in the spinal cord. CHAPTER 8: DETERMINING THE DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS 33Prognostic factors in MS: A. Requires symptomatic disease over time, confirmed by objective evidence on neurologic examination.

Within skeletal muscle purchase tylenol 500 mg on line, adaptations to training are specific to the form of muscle contraction. Increased activity with low loads results in increased oxidative metabolic capacity without hypertrophy; increased activity with high loads MUSCLE AND BONE RESPONSES produces muscle hypertrophy. Increased activity without Events within exercising skeletal muscle are a primary fac- overload increases capillary and mitochondrial density, tor in fatigue. These same events, when repeated during myoglobin concentration, and virtually the entire enzy- training, lead to adaptations that increase exercise capacity matic machinery for energy production from oxygen and retard fatigue during similar work. Coordination of energy-producing and en- traction also increases stresses placed on bone, leading to ergy-utilizing systems in muscle ensures that even after at- specific bone adaptations. In fact, the easy fatigability of at- companied by an acute phase reaction that includes com- rophied muscle is due to the requirement that more motor plement activation, increases in circulating cytokines, neu- units be recruited for identical external force; the fatigabil- trophil mobilization, and increased monocyte cell adhesion ity per unit cross-sectional area is normal. Training adaptation to the eccentric components of the skeletal muscle endurance training response is lim- of exercise is efficient; soreness after a second episode is ited by factors outside the muscle, since cross-innervation minimal if it occurs within two weeks of a first episode. While standard resistance exercise in- Local adaptations of skeletal muscle to endurance activ- volves a mixture of contraction types, careful studies show ity reduce reliance on carbohydrate as a fuel and allow that when one limb works purely concentrically and the more metabolism of fat, prolonging endurance and de- other purely eccentrically at equivalent force, only the ec- creasing lactic acid accumulation. The immediate changes in lactate, in turn, reduces the ventilatory demands of heavier actin and myosin production that lead to hypertrophy are work. Because metabolites accumulate less rapidly inside mediated at the posttranslational level; after a week of load- trained muscle, there is reduced chemosensory feedback to ing, mRNA for these proteins is altered. This cise role remains unclear, the activity of the 70-kDa S6 pro- reduces sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels, tein kinase is tightly linked with long-term changes in reducing cardiac oxygen demands at a fixed exercise level. The cellular mechanisms for hypertrophy in- clude the induction of insulin-like growth factor I, and up- regulation of several members of the fibroblast growth fac- Muscle Hypertrophies in Response to tor family.

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