


By V. Arakos. University of Hawai`i.

Pain management can be generally divided into • Pharmacologic • Nonpharmacologic • Combinations according to the patient response and compliance Pharmacologic The World Health Organization has made specific recommendations concerning pain man- agement 50mg imuran visa. These principles apply primarily to cancer pain but can be used in any clinical set- ting. Supplements can enhance the effects of analgesics and allow dose reduction of some agents. Nonopioid Analgesics: Aspirin, acetaminophen, and NSAIDs are the principal nono- pioid analgesics used to treat mild and moderate pain. NSAIDs are primarily cyclooxyge- nase inhibitors that prevent prostaglandin-mediated amplification of chemical and mechanical irritants of the sensory pathways. Short-term perioperative use of ketorolac (Toradol) can reduce pain medication requirement. Side effects: Possible hepatotoxicity (large doses of acetaminophen); stomach upset, nausea, dyspepsia, ulceration of gastric mu- cosa, dizziness, platelet dysfunction, exacerbation of bronchospasm, and acute renal insuffi- ciency (aspirin and NSAIDs). Opioids: These drugs attach to opioid receptors, which are responsible for the analgesia. Side effects: Sedation, dizziness, miosis, nausea, vomiting and constipation from smaller doses, to respiratory depression, apnea, cardiac arrest and circulatory collapse, coma, and death after high intravenous doses. Opioids can be taken orally, parenterally, or neuroaxially (intrathecal/epidural). Opioids can also be given as a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) (see section with that title). Antidepressants: The analgesic effect produced by antidepressants is due to reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. Side effects: Antimuscarinic effects (dry mouth, impaired visual accommodation, urinary retention), antihistaminic (sedation), and alpha adrenergic blockage (orthostatic hypotension). Side ef- fects: Extrapyramidal, mask-like facies, festinating gait, cogwheel rigidity (bradykinesia). Side effects: Bone marrow depression, hepatotoxicity, possible ataxia, dizziness, confusion, and sedation (at toxic doses). Side effects from excessive dosing: Toxicity with cardiovascular collapse and CNS symp- toms in the form of tonic–clonic seizures.

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In addition generic 50 mg imuran free shipping, they are in- haled very deeply; as a result, the smoke is held in the lungs for a longer period of time. An x-ray image showing an oval-shaped carcinoma in the Repeated exposure to asbestos fibers, either at home or left lung. Reproduced by in the workplace, also is considered a risk factor for lung permission. Studies show that compared to the general popu- lation, asbestos workers are seven times more likely to die from lung cancer. Asbestos workers who smoke in- In 2002, a study in the Journal of the American crease their risk of developing lung cancer by 50-100 Medical Association (JAMA) linked for the first time times. Besides asbestos, mining industry workers who long-term exposure to fine-particle air pollution to lung are exposed to coal products or radioactive substances, cancer deaths. The risk of death from lung cancer in- such as uranium, and workers exposed to chemicals, creased substantially for people living in the most heavi- such as arsenic, vinyl chloride, mustard gas, and other ly polluted metropolitan areas. Tiny particles from the air carcinogens, also have a higher than average risk of con- pollution emitted from coal-fired power plants, factories tracting lung cancer. This gas is produced by the the lung by diseases, such as silicosis and berylliosis, breakdown of uranium, and does not present any prob- which are caused by inhalation of certain minerals, tu- lem outdoors. In the basements of some houses that are berculosis, and certain types of pneumonia. This scar- built over soil containing natural uranium deposits, how- ring may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. Other forms cancer is not known, people with a family history of lung of environmental pollution (e. In 2003, researchers were continuing work GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 1239 aimed at learning why some smokers were more suscepti- If the doctor has reason to suspect lung cancer— ble to lung cancer than others. They discovered a type of particularly if the patient has a history of heavy smoking DNA repair characteristic apparent in smokers who were or occupational exposure to substances that are known to less likely to get lung cancer.

However buy generic imuran 25mg on-line, several of these studies specifically compare chiropractic treatment to that by other practitioners. Positive responses for manipulation have been found in patients with subacute low 43 back pain (within 4–12 weeks). In a prospective, randomized trial, Hsieh and associates compared SMT with transcutaneous muscle stimulation, massage therapy or corset use in patients with subacute low back pain. At 3 weeks, the manipulation group showed the greatest improvement in lumbar flexion and in pain scores. There are a limited number of studies that have Complementary therapies in neurology 44 examined the effect of chiropractic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain. Each of the three therapeutic regimens was associated with similar and clinically important improvement, and there appeared to be a sustained reduction in medication use at the 1- year follow-up period in the SMT and therapeutic strengthening exercise group. After a median intervention period of 30 days, spinal manipulation was the only treatment that achieved statistically significant improvement, with a reduction on the Oswestry scale of 30. The authors concluded that, in spite of several shortcomings of this study, there was evidence that spinal manipulation resulted in greater improvement than acupuncture and commonly utilized medication in patients with chronic spinal pain. They found significantly greater benefits for the group treated by the chiropractors at several followup intervals: 6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years. One weakness of the study was the relatively high percentage of patients lost to follow-up, especially at the later time points. Nonetheless, the large size of this study (enrolling over 700 patients) and the long-term follow-up period with consistent findings over all time points provide some confidence in their findings. The group treated by chiropractors performed significantly better than the minimal intervention group at 4 weeks, but not at 12 weeks, 1 year or 2 years. There was no difference between the group undergoing spinal manipulation and the patients treated with physical therapy. Although disability scores were better for both the group treated with manipulation and those patients treated with physical therapy than the minimal intervention, this did not quite reach significance at any time point.

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Procedure: The patient is asked to grasp a bottle in each hand between the thumb and index finger imuran 25mg mastercard. Assessment: In paralysis of the abductor pollicis brevis, the web be- tween the thumb and index finger will not be in contact with the surface of the bottle. The patient will be unable to hold the bottle between the thumb and index finger in such a way that the hand is in continuous contact with the circumference of the bottle. Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Procedure: The seated patient is asked to press both hands together in maximum dorsiflexion and to maintain this position for one minute. Paresthesia in the region supplied by the median nerve is a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Procedure: The patient is seated with both hands and forearms in supination on the examining table. Assessment: Weakness in active pronation against resistance in one arm as compared with the contralateral side indicates a median nerve lesion. In the presence of a median nerve lesion distal to the elbow, the patient may be able to actively pronate the forearm against resistance because the pronator teres is still largely functional. The muscle for this motion is the adductor pollicis, which is supplied by the ulnar nerve. Assessment: Where there is weakness or loss of function in this muscle, the interphalangeal joint of the thumb will be flexed due to contraction of the flexor pollicis brevis supplied by the median nerve.

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It is classified as a sulting in leukopenia order 25mg imuran with amex, thrombocytopenia, or both may 57 Immunomodulating Drugs 661 occur. Because of its immunosuppressive activity, been used successfully alone and in combination with azathioprine therapy can lead to serious infections. It azathioprine and corticosteroids to prevent renal allo- has been shown to be mutagenic in animals and humans graft rejection. Mycophenolate Mofetil Antithymocyte globulin binds to circulating T lym- phocytes in the blood, which are subsequently removed Mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept), in conjunction with from the circulation by the reticuloendothelial system. The concomitant use of is almost completely absorbed from the GI tract, me- corticosteroids may alleviate this response. Muromonab-(CD3) Early clinical trials indicate that mycophenolate Muromonab-(CD3) (Orthoclone OKT3) is a mouse mofetil in conjunction with cyclosporine and cortico- monoclonal antibody that is a purified IgG. It is used steroids is a more effective regimen than azathioprine for the prevention of acute allograft rejection in kid- in preventing the acute rejection of transplanted organs. It is also used to deplete T cells in marrow from donors before bone marrow transplanta- Other Cytotoxic Drugs tion. Muromonab-(CD3) alters the cell-mediated im- Although azathioprine is the most popular cytotoxic mune response by binding to the CD3 (cluster of differ- drug used for immunosuppression, others have been entiation antigen, T3) glycoprotein on T lymphocytes. Among these is cyclophosphamide, a cycle- This binding inhibits lymphocyte activation so that af- specific agent that acts by cross-linking and alkylating fected T cells cannot recognize foreign antigen and can- DNA, thereby preventing correct duplication during not participate in rejecting an organ graft. Methotrexate is a phase-specific agent utes of the first muromonab-(CD3) injection, total that acts by inhibiting folate metabolism. In contrast, its ad- Adverse side effects include fever, pulmonary verse effects are fewer in that alopecia and GI intoler- edema, vomiting, headache, and anaphylaxis.

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