


By J. Fedor. Thomas More College.

Edited by Roy Webster Copyright & 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd ISBN:Hardback 0-471-97819-1 Paperback 0-471-98586-4 Electronic 0-470-84657-7 22 Sleep and aking R effective sporanox 100mg. STANFORD INTRODUCTION There have been many references in this book to the role of neurotransmitters in the control of CNS excitability. It is therefore appropriate, but possibly foolhardy, to see if the two natural extremes of that excitability, namely sleep and waking, can be explained in terms of neurotransmitter activity. Of course, these states are not constant:our sleep can be deep or light and, even when we are awake, our attention and vigilance fluctuate, as the reading of these pages will no doubt demonstrate. Also, the fact that we sleep does not mean that our neurotransmitters are inactive:this would imply that sleep is a totally passive state, whereas all the evidence suggests that it is an actively induced process, subject to refined physiological control. In order to explain the physiological characteristics of the sleep±waking cycle, as well as how this might be controlled by different neurotransmitters and modified by drugs, we need to know which areas and pathways in the brain are vital to the induction and maintenance of this rhythmic behaviour. Essentially, these brain systems can be resolved into two interacting networks. One is responsible for the basic circadian rhythm and ensures that our sleeping and waking periods normally occur at regular intervals. A second system fine-tunes this process and ultimately determines our precise functional status on the sleep±waking continuum. THE NEURAL BASIS OF CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS It is most probable that sleep and waking stem from an inherent cycle of neuronal activity that can be influenced dramatically by changes in sensory stimulation. This is demonstrable not only in humans and laboratory animals, but also in invertebrates. Thus, while we cannot be sure that other animals sleep in the same way that we do, they do show a circadian cycle of motor activity.

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Cardiac Branched purchase sporanox 100mg line, striated fiber Heart wall with single nucleus and intercalated discs; involuntary rhythmic contraction NERVOUS TISSUE Skeletal Multinucleated, striated, Associated with Nervous tissue is composed of neurons, which respond to stimuli cylindrical fiber that skeleton; spans and conduct impulses to and from all body organs, and neuroglia, occurs in fasciculi; joints of skeleton which functionally support and physically bind neurons. Histology © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition of the Body Companies, 2001 Chapter 4 Histology 101 Cell body Capillary Axon Astrocyte Dendrite Vascular processes (a) Neurons (b) Neuroglia FIGURE 4. It consists of two principal kinds of cells: (a) neurons and (b) neuroglia. Neurons Neuroglia Although there are several kinds of neurons (noor′onz) in ner- In addition to neurons, nervous tissue contains neuroglia (noo- vous tissue, they all have three principal components: (1) a rog′le-a˘) (fig. Neuroglial cells, sometimes called glial cells, cell body, or perikaryon; (2) dendrites; and (3) an axon are about 5 times as abundant as neurons and have limited mi- (fig. They do not transmit impulses but support and uli and conduct nerve impulses toward the cell body. Certain neuroglial cells are phagocytic; body, or perikaryon (per″˘-karı ′e-on), contains the nucleus and others assist in providing sustenance to the neurons. The axon is a cyto- Neurons and neuroglia are discussed in detail in chapter 11. The term nerve fiber refers to any process extending Knowledge Check from the cell body of a neuron and the myelin sheath that sur- rounds it (see fig. Compare and contrast neurons and neuroglia in terms of Neurons derive from ectoderm and are the basic struc- structure, function, and location. List the structures of a neuron following the sequence of a cialized to respond to physical and chemical stimuli, convert nerve impulse passing through the cell. As with muscle cells, the number of neurons is established prenatally (before CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS birth); thereafter, they lack the ability to undergo mitosis, As stated at the beginning of this chapter, the study of tissues is although under certain circumstances a severed portion can re- extremely important in understanding the structure and function generate. Histology © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition of the Body Companies, 2001 102 Unit 3 Microscopic Structure of the Body importance as well. Many diseases are diagnosed through micro- done in examining for uterine cancer. Even in performing an au- biopsy, a biopsy needle is inserted through a small skin incision topsy, an examination of various tissues is vital in establishing and tissue samples are withdrawn. Several sciences are concerned with specific aspects of tis- Preparing tissues for examination is a multistep process.

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List the number of nerves in each of the five regions of the Objective 7 List the principal nerves that emerge from the vertebral column cheap 100mg sporanox with mastercard. What are the four principal branches, or rami, from a spinal nerve, and what structures does each innervate? It is formed by the anterior rami of the first four cervical nerves Except in thoracic nerves T2 through T12, the anterior rami of (C1–C4) and a portion of C5 (fig. Branches of the cervi- the spinal nerves combine and then split again as networks of cal plexus innervate the skin and muscles of the neck and por- nerve fibers referred to as nerve plexuses. Some fibers of the cervical plexuses of spinal nerves: the cervical, the brachial, the lumbar, plexus also combine with the accessory and hypoglossal cranial and the sacral. Nerves emerging from the plexuses are named nerves to supply dual innervation to some specific neck and pha- according to the structures they innervate or the general course ryngeal muscles (see fig. Peripheral Nervous © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Coordination System Companies, 2001 416 Unit 5 Integration and Coordination TABLE 12. Motor impulses through fibers from the anterior branches of spinal nerves C5 through the paired phrenic nerves cause the diaphragm to contract, mov- T1 and a few fibers from C4 and T2. The roots converge to form trunks, and The nerves of the cervical plexus are summarized in the trunks branch into divisions. Brachial Plexus The brachial plexus may suffer trauma, especially if the clavi- cle, upper ribs, or lower cervical vertebrae are seriously frac- The brachial plexus is positioned to the side of the last four cer- tured. Occasionally, the brachial plexus of a newborn is severely vical vertebrae and the first thoracic vertebra. It is formed by the strained during a difficult delivery when the baby is pulled through anterior rami of C5 through T1, with occasional contributions the birth canal. In such cases, the arm of the injured side is para- lyzed and eventually withers as the muscles atrophy in relation to the from C4 and T2.

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Physical therapy cheap sporanox 100mg overnight delivery, a major com- changes for affected individuals may make ponent of the treatment program, can it more difficult for them to cope. Individ- help the individual improve or stabilize uals as well as family members may feel motor ability, prevent contractures, or helpless and hopeless. As a result, they adapt the environment to promote safe- may be reluctant to participate in activi- ty and maximum independence. Occupa- ties designed to maintain or improve their tional therapists may help individuals current level of function. Speech therapists ed to behavioral changes may result in may help individuals maximize their unsafe situations for the individual. Those speech capability as well as their ability to who are in denial about their condition swallow. In some instances cognitive and their limitations may also be exposed retraining and memory training may be to situations that could result in unsafe useful. Individuals are usually affected in cult, social interactions also become more middle or later life, with males affected difficult, resulting in increasing social iso- more frequently than women. Personality changes that may pro- duce violent or hostile behaviors further Manifestations of ALS stress support systems. Because Huntington’s disease has a Symptoms of ALS depend on the area of genetic component, family members may the nervous system affected; both upper be under the additional stress of knowing and lower extremities are affected. There that they may themselves be at risk for are two primary forms of ALS: developing Huntington’s disease. Coun- • Spinal form seling, education, and support can help to • Bulbar form reduce the stress that family members may be experiencing. The spinal form of ALS is characterized by muscular weakness, muscle atrophy Vocational Issues in Huntington’s Disease (decrease in size), spasticity, and hyperac- tive reflexes.

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However purchase sporanox 100mg overnight delivery, this does not have to be performed by a physician, although that is the practice in many EDs. If a nurse performs the initial screening exam, he or she should be certified by the hospital to do so in accordance with a formal hospital protocol. Second, the patient must be stabilized prior to transfer using the hospital’s capabilities and must not be in active labor. Unfortunately, despite periodic federal guideline revisions, the word stabilization has never been clearly defined. And different regional jurisdictions have ruled differently on this matter. Fourth, EMTALA governs discharge from the ED, regardless of destination. Fifth, patients may be transferred even if unstable, if they are trans- ferred for medical reasons to a higher level of care facility. This might include cardiac patients transferred for catheterization or trauma pa- tients sent to a trauma center. However, prior to transfer, the patient must be stabilized as much as possible. Sixth, emergency physicians may be exempt from liability if forced to transfer an unstable patient. Thanks to the efforts of the ACEP, EMTALA excuses emergency physicians forced to transfer unstable patients because they cannot obtain an appropriate admitting physi- cian or because the hospital refuses to admit the patient. However, the emergency physician must clearly state the reason and should identify the specialty physician who refused the admission, especially if that physician is formally on call to the ED. In such cases, however, the emergency physician must do what he or she can to stabilize the patient, such as starting intravenous fluids and antibiotics in a severely dehydrated, septic child or relieving the tension pneumothorax in a trauma patient. The patient may have suffered no harm, yet an EMTALA violation may have occurred.

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