


By B. Zarkos. Northern State University.

The capital letter in- dicates the side of the cuff where the tear is located: A for articular-side partial tears discount furacin 0.2 mastercard, B for bursal-side partial injuries, and C for complete-thick- ness or trans-tendon damage. Location of tears A Articular surface B Bursal surface C Complete tear, connecting A and B sides Severity of tear (A and B partial tears) 0 Normal cuff, with smooth coverings of synovium and bursa I Minimal, superficial bursal or synovial irritation or slight capsular fraying in a small, localized area; usually <1 cm II Actually fraying and failure of some rotator cuff fibres in addition to synovial, bursal, or capsular injury; usually <2 cm III More severe rotator cuff injury, including fraying and fragmentation of tendon fibres, often involving the whole surface of a cuff tendon (most often the supraspinatus); usually <3 cm IV Very severe partial rotator cuff tear that usually contains, in addi- tion to fraying and fragmentation of tendon tissue, a sizable flap tear and often encompasses more than a single tendon (A partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion (PASTA) is an A-III or A-IV tear. The CIV classifica- tion can also be modified with the term irreparable, indicating that there is no possibility of direct repair 5. A fourth group, characterized by secondary osteoar- thritic (OA) changes in the humeral head (which is usually subluxed), deserves a separate analysis of results. Small, full-substance tears n Group II: full-substance tears of entire supraspinatus n Group III: full-substance tears involving more than one tendon n Group IV: massive tears with secondary OA Group I: this group includes partial tears and full-substance tears mea- suring less tan 1 cm. However, full-substance tears that do not involve the en- tire width of a given tendon are of no apparent mechanical conse- quence. Phy- siotherapy aiming to eliminate subacromial impingement usually results in satisfactory pain relief. Surgical repair, when indicated, is easily achieved either by suturing or by reattachment to bone. The following three types of lesions are recognized: 1) The most commonly observed lesion during surgery is the distally situated deep tear, characterized by a detachment at the fibrocarti- laginous zone. When par- tial tears at the articular side occur at a certain distance from the bony insertion (at the critical zone), they can be diagnosed by ar- thrography. These partial tears must be followed closely, since their healing potential is low. Group II: this group includes full-substance tears, which are usually limited to the supraspinatus.

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The time required to reach steady- state accumulation during multiple constant dosing depends on the rate of elimination discount furacin 0.2 without a prescription. As a rule of thumb, a pla- teau is reached after approximately three elimination half-lives (t1/2). For slowly eliminated drugs, which tend to accumulate extensively (phen- procoumon, digitoxin, methadone), the Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Pharmacokinetics 51 4 x daily 50 mg 2 x daily 100 mg 1 x daily 200 mg Single 50 mg 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 A. Accumulation: dose, dose interval, and fluctuation of plasma level Inhibition of elimination Acceleration of elimination 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 B. Changes in elimination kinetics in the course of drug therapy Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. The dose range encom- The effect of a substance depends on the passing the dose-frequency relationship amount administered, i. If reflects the variation in individual sensi- the dose chosen is below the critical tivity to the drug. Although similar in threshold (subliminal dosing), an effect shape, a dose-frequency relationship will be absent. Depending on the nature has, thus, a different meaning than does of the effect to be measured, ascending a dose-effect relationship. The latter can doses may cause the effect to increase in be evaluated in one individual and re- intensity. Thus, the effect of an antipy- sults from an intraindividual dependen- retic or hypotensive drug can be quanti- cy of the effect on drug concentration.

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