


By Z. Kelvin. Pepperdine University.

If the values for the various features of a test (such as sensitivity and specificity) fell within reasonable lim its cheap 500mg lincocin with visa, we would be able to say that the test was valid (see question 7 below). The validity of urine testing for glucose in diagnosing diabetes has been looked at by Andersson and colleagues,2 whose data I have used in the exam ple in Table 7. In fact, the original study was perform ed on 3268 subjects, of whom 67 either refused to produce a specim en or, for som e other reason, were not adequately tested. For sim plicity’s sake, I have ignored these irregularities and expressed the results in term s of a denom inator (total num ber tested) of 1000 subjects. If the validation had been the m ain aim of the study, the subjects selected would have included far m ore diabetic individuals, as question 2 in section 7. If you look up the original paper, you will also find that the gold standard for diagnosing true diabetes 109 H OW TO READ A PAPER was not the oral glucose tolerance test but a m ore unconventional series of observations. N evertheless, the exam ple serves its purpose, since it provides us with som e figures to put through the equations listed in the last colum n of Table 7. W e can calculate the im portant features of the urine test for diabetes as follows. A positive urine glucose test is only 22% sensitive, which m eans that the test m isses nearly four-fifths of true diabetics. In the presence of classic sym ptom s and a fam ily history, the window-cleaner’s baseline odds (pretest likelihood) of having the condition are pretty high and they are only reduced to about four-fifths of this (the likelihood ratio of a negative test, 0. In view of his sym ptom s, this m an clearly needs to undergo a m ore definitive test for diabetes. Students often get m ixed up about the sensitivity/specificity dim ension of a test and the positive/negative predictive value dim ension. As a rule of thum b, the sensitivity or specificity tells you about the test in general, whereas the predictive value tells you about what a particular test result means for the patient in front of you. H ence, sensitivity and specificity are generally used m ore by epidem iologists and public health specialists whose day to day 110 PAPERS TH AT REPORT D IAG N OSTIC OR SCREEN IN G TESTS work involves m aking decisions about populations.

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In addition cheap lincocin 500 mg online, patients’ daily sched- ules should be explored in order to suggest how physical activity can be incor- porated into their daily routine, e. In addition, the use of behaviour change interventions for structured exercise and other health behaviour is recommended in the UK (SIGN, 2002). BEHAVIOUR CHANGE MODELS Several behaviour change models have been used to understand exercise behaviour in non-clinical and clinical populations. In addition, these models provide a theoretical framework for developing practical and effective inter- ventions to improve physical activity participation. Although many other models of behaviour change exist, the Transtheoretical Model and Relapse Prevention Model, which are briefly described here, have been extensively studied in exercise settings and provide the basis for many physical activity interventions, including exercise consultation and physical activity counselling (Biddle and Mutrie, 2001). Transtheoretical Model The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) was originally developed to understand behaviour change related to smoking cessation (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1983), but has since been applied to exercise behaviour (Prochaska and Marcus, 1994). Interventions based on the TTM have been effective in 198 Exercise Leadership in Cardiac Rehabilitation promoting and maintaining physical activity (Marcus, et al. The model proposes that individuals attempting to change their physical activity behaviour progress through five stages (Marcus and Simkin, 1994). The stages differ according to an individ- ual’s intention and behaviour and have been labelled as follows: • Precontemplation (inactive and no intention to change); • Contemplation (inactive, but intending to change in the next six months); • Preparation (engaging in some activity, but not regularly); • Action (regularly physically active, but only began in the past six months); • Maintenance (regularly active for more than six months). Movement through these stages often occurs in a cyclic pattern because many individuals relapse to an earlier stage when attempting behaviour change. Three components of the TTM are hypothesised to mediate the behaviour change process: the decisional balance, self-efficacy and the processes of change. Decisional balance involves a comparison of the perceived pros and cons of engaging in behaviour. Studies have demonstrated a significant rela- tionship between exercise adherence and perceived pros and cons of exercise in patients with CHD (Tirrell and Hart, 1980; Robertson and Keller, 1992; Hellman, 1997). A recent meta-analysis (Marshall and Biddle, 2001) found that the decisional balance is related to the stage of exercise behaviour change as depicted in Figure 8.

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Balance or harmony 500mg lincocin overnight delivery, much as Aristotle understood it, has much to do with this relation of qualities. Narratives are arrangements over time which allow qualities in experience to form an array in which they are mutually enhancing. Values are realized in narratives that relate process and product without compart- mentalizing them. These narratives realize old values only as they rejuvenate them in the creation of the new. Because values support each other and are neither isolated nor fungible, expected utility theory is not suited for application to most aspects of an endeavor like medical care. Qualitative, dynamic and interacting values just cannot be modeled on the number system. If we think that it leads us often astray, there are ways other than cutting ourselves off from it, to correct many of its errors. Despite the usefulness in certain instances of conceptualizing mind as a machine, the mind is not a machine. Let us temper distrust of our own capacities for means/ends deliberation with an appreciation of how, why and when they do work well. When rules are felt to be self-sufficient and superior to judgment, then the cultivation of good judgment, as well as the intellectual and moral virtues underlying it, languishes. The healing professions need to recruit, entrain and respect the virtues that make us worthy of trust. This is not to say that the particular emotional attach- ments which drive and motivate individual practitioners should be the paramount virtues of public policymakers.

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