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There are three kinds of cartilage: hyaline (hi′a˘-lı¯n) cartilage 50 mg cataflam visa, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage. They are distinguished by the Elastic Cartilage type and amount of fibers embedded within the matrix. Elastic cartilage is similar to hyaline cartilage except for the pres- ence of abundant elastic fibers that make elastic cartilage very Hyaline Cartilage flexible without compromising its strength (fig. This tis- Hyaline cartilage, commonly called “gristle,” has a homogeneous, sue is found in the outer ear, portions of the larynx, and in the bluish-staining matrix in which the collagenous fibers are so fine auditory canal. When viewed through a light microscope, hyaline cartilage has a clear, glassy appearance (fig. Hyaline cartilage is the most abundant cartilage within the Bone Tissue body. It covers the articular surfaces of bones, supports the tubu- lar trachea and bronchi of the respiratory system, reinforces the Bone tissue is the most rigid of all the connective tissues. Unlike nose, and forms the flexible bridge, called costal cartilage, be- cartilage, bone tissue has a rich vascular supply and is the site of considerable metabolic activity. The hardness of bone is largely due to the calcium phosphate (calcium hydroxyapatite) deposited lacuna: L. Histology © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition of the Body Companies, 2001 96 Unit 3 Microscopic Structure of the Body Lacuna Intercellular matrix Thyroid Chondrocyte Larynx cartilage (b) (c) Cricoid cartilage Tracheal cartilages Paras (a) FIGURE 4. It occurs in places such as the larynx (a), trachea, portions of the rib cage, and embryonic skeleton. Lacuna Chondrocyte Intercellular matrix Collagenous fibers (b) (c) (a) FIGURE 4. A photomicrograph of the tissue is shown in (b) and a labeled diagram in (c).

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Pharynx Receives bolus from oral cavity; autonomically continues deglutition of bolus to esophagus Objective 4 Describe the arrangement of the serous Esophagus Transports bolus to stomach by peristalsis; lower membranes within the abdominal cavity generic cataflam 50mg amex. These organs are supported and covered by down chyme; absorbs nutrients; transports wastes serous membranes that line the cavities of the trunk and cover through peristalsis to large intestine; prohibits the organs within these cavities. Serous membranes are com- backflow of intestinal wastes from large intestine posed of simple squamous epithelium, portions of which are rein- Large intestine Receives undigested wastes from small intestine; absorbs forced with connective tissue. Serous membranes secrete a water and electrolytes; forms, stores, and expels feces when activated by a defecation reflex lubricating serous fluid that continuously moistens the associ- ated organs. The parietal portion of the serous membrane lines the body wall, and a visceral portion covers the internal organs. As de- scribed in the previous chapter, the serous membranes associated with the lungs are called pleurae (see fig. The serous It usually takes about 24 to 48 hours for food to travel the membranes of the abdominal cavity are called peritoneal mem- length of the GI tract. Along the posterior abdominal cavity, the pari- specific functions in preparing food for utilization (table 18. The mesentery so many people are malnourished that eating patterns have supports the GI tract, at the same time allowing the small intes- become a critical public health concern. Grossly overweight people are at greater risk for cardiovas- ture for the passage of intestinal nerves and vessels. People with good nutritional habits are better able to withstand mesocolon is a specific portion of the mesentery that supports trauma, are less likely to get sick, and are usually less seriously ill the large intestine (fig. The peritoneal covering continues around the intestinal viscera as the visceral peritoneum. The peritoneal cavity is the Knowledge Check space between the parietal and visceral portions of the peri- toneum. Which functional activities of the digestive system break peritoneum, and are therefore said to be retroperitoneal.

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Following a brief period The ability to diagnose a neurologically compromised pa- devoted to the study of CNS morphology cheap 50mg cataflam overnight delivery, a significant por- tient is specifically related to a thorough understanding of tion of many courses is spent learning functional systems. This pathway structure, function, blood supply, and the rela- learning experience may take place in the laboratory because tionships of this pathway to adjacent structures. To this end it is here that the student deals with images of representative Chapter 7 provides a series of semidiagrammatic illustrations levels of the entire neuraxis. Each figure shows 1) been made to provide the student with a comprehensive and in- the trajectory of fibers that comprise the entire pathway; 2) tegrated guide—one that correlates, 1) external brain anatomy the laterality of fibers comprising the pathway, this being an with MRI and blood supply; 2) meninges and ventricles with extremely important concept in diagnosis; 3) the positions examples of meningeal, ventricular, and brain hemorrhage; and somatotopy of fibers comprising each pathway at repre- 3) internal brain anatomy with MRI, blood supply, the orga- sentative levels; 4) a review of the blood supply to the en- nization of tracts and nuclei and selected clinical examples; 4) tire pathway; 5) important neurotransmitters associated summaries of clinically relevant pathways with neurotrans- with fibers of the pathway; and 6) examples of deficits seen mitters, numerous clinical correlations, and the essential con- following lesions of the pathway at various levels through- cept of laterality; and 5) includes a large variety of images such out the neuraxis. This chapter is designed to be used by itself as angiogram, computed tomography (CT), magnetic reso- or integrated with other sections of the atlas; it is designed to nance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography provide the reader with the structural and clinical essentials (MRA), and magnetic resonance venography (MRV). Introduction and Reader’s Guide 3 The advent and common use of imaging methods (MRI, The Brain and Related Structures in CT MRA, and MRV) mandates that such images become an inte- STRUCTURE/FLUID/SPACE GREY SCALE gral part of the educational process when teaching and/or Bone, acute blood Very white learning clinically applicable neuroscience. To this end, this Enhanced tumor Very white book contains about 175 MRI and CT images and 12 MRA and Subacute blood Light grey MRV. All of these images are directly correlated with external Muscle Light grey brain anatomy such as gyri and sulci, internal structures in- Grey matter Light grey cluding pathways and nuclei, cranial nerves and adjacent struc- White matter Medium grey tures, or they demonstrate examples of hemorrhages related Cerebrospinal fluid Medium grey to black to the meninges and ventricles or the parenchyma of the brain. Air, Fat Very black Imaging the Brain (CT and MRI): Imaging the brain in vivo is now commonplace for the patient with neurological The advantages of CT are 1) it is rapidly done, which is deficits that may indicate a compromise of the central nervous especially important in trauma; 2) it clearly shows acute and system. Even most rural hospitals have, or have easy access to, subacute hemorrhages into the meningeal spaces and brain; CT or MRI. With these facts in mind, it is appropriate to make 3) it shows bone (and skull fractures) to advantage; and 4) a few general comments on these imaging techniques and what it is less expensive than MRI. For details of the meth- 1) it does not clearly show acute or subacute infarcts or is- ods and techniques of CT and MRI consult sources such as chemia, or brain edema; 2) it does not clearly differentiate Grossman (1996), Lee et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The tissues Tissue density is measured by the effects of x-rays on atoms of the body contain proportionately large amounts of pro- within the tissue as these x-rays pass through the tissue. Protons have a positive nucleus, a shell of Atoms of higher number have a greater ability to attenuate negative electrons, and a north and south pole; they func- (stop) x-rays while those with lower numbers are less able to tion like tiny spinning bar magnets. The various attenuation intensities are are arranged randomly in relation to each other due to the computerized into numbers (Hounsfield units or CT num- constantly changing magnetic field produced by the elec- bers).

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