


By N. Ressel. Stillman College.

The physiologically important form of inhibin in the human seminiferous tubule is surrounded by a basement membrane male cheap nortriptyline 25 mg with amex. Inhibin acts directly on the anterior pituitary and in- (basal lamina) with myoid cells on its perimeter, which de- hibits the secretion of FSH but not LH. On the inside of the basement mem- Activin is produced by Sertoli cells, stimulates the se- brane are large, irregularly shaped Sertoli cells, which ex- cretion of FSH, has an approximate molecular weight of 30 tend from the basement membrane to the lumen (Fig. The tight junctions divide each tivin A (two A subunits linked by a disulfide bridge), ac- tubule into a basal compartment, whose constituents are tivin B (two B subunits), and activin AB (one A and one exposed to circulating agents, and an adluminal compart- B subunit). The major form of activin in the male is cur- ment, which is isolated from bloodborne elements. The rently unknown although both Sertoli and Leydig cells tight junctions limit the transport of fluid and macromole- have been implicated in its secretion. Thus, the deactivation of activin by binding to follis- germ cells at various stages of division and differentiation. Follistatin is apparently Mitosis of the spermatogonia (diploid progenitors of sper- produced by Sertoli cells and acts as a paracrine factor on matozoa) occurs in the basal compartment of the seminifer- the developing spermatogenic cells. The early meiotic cells (primary spermatocytes) move across the junctional complexes into the adluminal compartment, where they mature into sper- matozoa or gametes after meiosis. The adluminal compart- THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS ment is an immunologically privileged site. Spermatozoa The testes produce spermatozoa and transport them that develop in the adluminal compartment are not recog- through a series of ducts in preparation for fertilization. Consequently, males The testes also produce testosterone that regulates devel- can develop antibodies against their own sperm, resulting in opment of the male gametes, male sex characteristics, and infertility. Sperm antibodies are often present after vasec- CHAPTER 37 The Male Reproductive System 653 Spermatogonium Spermatozoon Lumen Sertoli cell Basement membrane Leydig cell surrounding the seminiferous tubule The testis. Receptors for FSH, present only where the adluminal compartment is ruptured, allowing on the plasma membranes of Sertoli cells, are glycoproteins sperm to mingle with immune cells from the circulation. FSH exerts mul- tiple effects on the Sertoli cell, most of which are mediated by cAMP and protein kinase A (Fig.

For example discount nortriptyline 25 mg, there may be an has been said that only a zipper would provide a more convenient opening to the outside, called a fistula, or herniation of some of the ab- entry to the abdominal cavity. Acquired umbilical hernias may develop in children who have a weak abdominal wall in this area, or they may develop in The lateral margin of the rectus abdominis muscle can be pregnant women because of the extra pressure exerted at this time. The external abdominal oblique nal cavity in a procedure called laparotomy. Laparotomy is frequently done to examine or perform surgery on the internal female reproduc- muscle is the superficial layer of the muscular abdominal wall. A depressed umbilicus on an obese person is difficult to The iliac crest is subcutaneous and can be palpated along its en- keep clean, and so various types of infections may occur there. The highest point of the crest lies opposite the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, an important level in spinal anes- Internal Anatomy thesia. Another important landmark is McBurney’s point, lo- cated about one-third of the distance from the right anterior superior iliac spine on a line between that spine and the umbili- Thorax cus (fig. McBurney’s point: from Charles McBurney, American surgeon, 1845–1914 laparotomy: Gk. Surface and Regional © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Anatomy Companies, 2001 314 Unit 4 Support and Movement Trachea Common carotid a. Aortic arch Superior vena cava Left lung Right lung Ascending portion of aorta Pericardium (cut) Cusp of tricuspid valve Left ventricle Apex of heart Diaphragm Falciform ligament Left lobe of liver Right lobe of liver FIGURE 10. Aortic arch Left bronchus Thoracic portion of aorta Esophagus Phrenic n. Surface and Regional © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Anatomy Companies, 2001 Chapter 10 Surface and Regional Anatomy 315 4 1 5 1 5 6 6 2 7 7 8 8 3 9 10 2 9 4 11 10 3 11 12 1 External occipital 7 Sternocleidomastoid m.

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Sensitive electrodes placed on the The development of the CT scanner buy nortriptyline 25 mg otc, or computerized scalp record particular EEG patterns being emitted from evoked axial tomographic scanner, has revolutionized the diagnosis of cerebral activity. The CT scanner projects a sharply focused, de- patients to predict seizures and to determine proper drug therapy, tailed tomogram, or cross section, of a patient’s brain onto a tele- and also to monitor comatose patients. The versatile CT scanner allows quick and The fact that the nervous system is extremely sensitive to accurate diagnoses of tumors, aneurysms, blood clots, and hemor- various drugs is fortunate; at the same time, this sensitivity has rhage. The CT scanner may also be used to detect certain types potential for disaster. Drug abuse is a major clinical concern be- of birth defects, brain damage, scar tissue, and evidence of old or cause of the addictive and devastating effect that certain drugs recent strokes. Much has been written on drug A machine with even greater potential than the CT scan- abuse, and it is beyond the scope of this text to elaborate on the ner is the DSR, or dynamic spatial reconstructor. A positive aspect of drugs is their administration CT scanner, the DSR is computerized to transform radiographs in medicine to temporarily interrupt the passage or perception of into composite video images. Injecting an anesthetic drug near a nerve, as in dimensional view is obtained, and the image is produced much dentistry, desensitizes a specific area and causes a nerve faster than with the CT scanner. Nerve blocks of a limited extent occur if an appendage is cross-sectional images in 5 seconds, whereas the CT scanner can cooled or if a nerve is compressed for a period of time. Nervous Tissue and the © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Coordination Central Nervous System Companies, 2001 392 Unit 5 Integration and Coordination discovery of pharmacological drugs, physicians would frequently German measles, and excessive irradiation of the fetus are all cool an affected appendage with ice or snow before performing commonly associated with mental retardation. A local anesthetic causes a nerve block by desensi- tizing a specific area. Injuries Although the brain and spinal cord seem to be well protected within a bony encasement, they are sensitive organs, highly sus- Developmental Problems ceptible to injury. Congenital malformations of the CNS are common and fre- Certain symptomatic terms are used when determining quently involve overlying bone, muscle, and connective tissue. Headaches are the most com- The more severe abnormalities make life impossible, and the mon ailment of the CNS.

Have disease onset at a very early or very late age ADDITIONAL READING Coyle PK nortriptyline 25mg on line. The Nature of Multiple Sclerosis in Advanced Concepts in Multiple Sclerosis Nursing Care. This page intentionally left blank Chapter 9 The Immune System and Its Role in MS Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will: Cite normal immune system activity Discuss abnormal immunology involved in MS Describe the rationale for immumodulating MS treatmentsThe immune system protects people from pathogens such as: A. Immunity to certain pathogens; this is common to all healthy individuals 2. Immediate destruction of some pathogens by phagocytic cells such as macrophage and neutrophils B. Cellular immunity Cytotoxic T-cells (CD 8) TH1 cells (CD 4) 39 40 NURSING PRACTICE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: A CORE CURRICULUM 3. Cells of the immune system begin life in the bone marrow as stem cells D. These cells are activated in the lymphoid tissues where they are presented with antigen G. Both B-cells and T-cells must receive an additional signal in order to be activatedHumoral immunity is produced by: A. Neutralization—binding to pathogens and blocking the path to body cells 2. Opsonization—enabling phagocytic cells to recognize pathogens by coating the pathogen 3. Antigen-specific lymphocytes undergo apoptosis once the antigen is removed 3. Some antigen-specific lymphocytes persist and are the basis for immunologic memory 4. The cells that present antigen to T-cells are antigen-pre s e n t i n g cells dendritic cells macrophages 5. These cells display antigen protein particles on specialized cell surface molecules known as MHC.

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