


By P. Ressel. Elmhurst College.

The changing shape of the lens Rods are involved with detecting light permits the eye to focus for near or far and dark as well as shape and movement vision proven diltiazem 90mg, a process called accommodation. Rods contain iary muscles relax, thinning and flatten- a derivative of vitamin A, rhodopsin, a ing the lens. To focus on objects close by, highly light-sensitive substance that breaks Measuring Vision 125 down rapidly when exposed to light. This of best vision and to measure the need for chemical process causes a reaction that corrective lenses. A standard test of visu- activates the rods so that the eye adjusts, al acuity is the Snellen test. Lines are Cones are involved primarily in daylight identified according to the distance from and color vision as well as in the percep- which they can be read by individuals tion of sharp visual detail. For example, cones are located in a spot on the retina individuals with normal visual acuity can called the macula. The macula is the area read the top line of the chart at 200 feet of clearest central vision. When taking macula, the fovea, contains no rods and is the Snellen test, individuals view the the area where vision is clearest in good Snellen chart at the equivalent of 20 feet light. This are expressed as a fraction, the numerator area is sometimes called the blind spot denoting the equivalent distance from the because it does not contain light-sensitive chart at which the individual being test- cells. Light rays pass through the cornea, ed views the chart (20 feet) and the enter the pupil, pass through the lens, and denominator denoting the distance from register on the retina. Sensory cells of the the chart at which a person with normal retina receive light stimuli and convert vision would be able to read the same line. These elec- Consequently, a visual acuity of 20/100 trical impulses are then transmitted to the means that the individual being tested can optic nerve, which carries them to the see at 20 feet what a person with normal occipital lobe of the brain, where they are visual acuity could see at 100 feet, indicat- interpreted.

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In some individuals purchase diltiazem 30mg with visa, however, intact or Pepsin hydrolyzes protein to form smaller polypeptides. It partially digested proteins are absorbed, resulting in ana- is classified as an endopeptidase because it attacks specific phylactic or hypersensitivity reactions. This phase of cardiovascular systems are the major organs involved in protein digestion is normally not important other than in in- anaphylactic reactions. For the first few weeks after birth, dividuals suffering from pancreatic exocrine deficiency. Most proteases are secreted in olytic activity in the stomach, low pancreatic secretion of the pancreatic juice as inactive proenzymes. When the pan- peptidases, and poor development of intracellular protein creatic juice enters the duodenum, trypsinogen is con- degradation by lysosomal proteases. The active trypsin then converts the other immunity from the mother’s milk to the newborn in several proenzymes to active enzymes. In humans, The pancreatic proteases are classified as endopepti- the absorption of intact immunoglobulins does not appear dases or exopeptidases (Table 27. Endopeptidases hy- to be an important mode of transmission of antibodies for drolyze certain internal peptide bonds of proteins or two reasons. First, passive immunity in humans is derived CHAPTER 27 Gastrointestinal Secretion, Digestion, and Absorption 505 almost entirely from the intrauterine transport of maternal ABSORPTION OF VITAMINS antibodies. Second, human colostrum, the thin, yellowish, Vitamins are organic substances from both animal and milky fluid secreted by the mammary glands a few days be- plant sources needed in small quantities for normal meta- fore or after parturition, contains mainly IgA, which is bolic function and the growth and maintenance of the poorly absorbed by the small intestine. Because most of these organic compounds are not sorb intact proteins is rapidly lost as the gut matures—a manufactured in the body, adequate dietary intake and ef- process called closure. Colostrum contains a factor that ficient intestinal absorption are important.

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Histology © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy generic 90mg diltiazem mastercard, Sixth Edition of the Body Companies, 2001 100 Unit 3 Microscopic Structure of the Body Nucleus (a) Smooth muscle tissue Striation Nucleus Intercalated disc (b) Cardiac muscle tissue Nucleus Striation (c) Skeletal muscle tissue FIGURE 4. What is meant by voluntary and involuntary as applied to Smooth Elongated, spindle-shaped Walls of hollow muscle tissue? Distinguish between smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle involuntary movements of internal organs tissue on the bases of structure, location, and function. Cardiac Branched, striated fiber Heart wall with single nucleus and intercalated discs; involuntary rhythmic contraction NERVOUS TISSUE Skeletal Multinucleated, striated, Associated with Nervous tissue is composed of neurons, which respond to stimuli cylindrical fiber that skeleton; spans and conduct impulses to and from all body organs, and neuroglia, occurs in fasciculi; joints of skeleton which functionally support and physically bind neurons. Histology © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition of the Body Companies, 2001 Chapter 4 Histology 101 Cell body Capillary Axon Astrocyte Dendrite Vascular processes (a) Neurons (b) Neuroglia FIGURE 4. It consists of two principal kinds of cells: (a) neurons and (b) neuroglia. Neurons Neuroglia Although there are several kinds of neurons (noor′onz) in ner- In addition to neurons, nervous tissue contains neuroglia (noo- vous tissue, they all have three principal components: (1) a rog′le-a˘) (fig. Neuroglial cells, sometimes called glial cells, cell body, or perikaryon; (2) dendrites; and (3) an axon are about 5 times as abundant as neurons and have limited mi- (fig. They do not transmit impulses but support and uli and conduct nerve impulses toward the cell body. Certain neuroglial cells are phagocytic; body, or perikaryon (per″˘-karı ′e-on), contains the nucleus and others assist in providing sustenance to the neurons. The axon is a cyto- Neurons and neuroglia are discussed in detail in chapter 11. The term nerve fiber refers to any process extending Knowledge Check from the cell body of a neuron and the myelin sheath that sur- rounds it (see fig. Compare and contrast neurons and neuroglia in terms of Neurons derive from ectoderm and are the basic struc- structure, function, and location. List the structures of a neuron following the sequence of a cialized to respond to physical and chemical stimuli, convert nerve impulse passing through the cell. As with muscle cells, the number of neurons is established prenatally (before CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS birth); thereafter, they lack the ability to undergo mitosis, As stated at the beginning of this chapter, the study of tissues is although under certain circumstances a severed portion can re- extremely important in understanding the structure and function generate.

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Elmhurst College.

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