


By O. Joey. Lawrence Technological University.

Record drug administration (or omission) as soon as pos- To maintain an accurate record of drugs received by the client sible and according to agency policies quality zocor 5mg. If it is necessary to omit a scheduled dose for some rea- Clients may be unable to take the drug at the scheduled time be- son, the decision to give the dose later or omit it depends cause of diagnostic tests or many other reasons. Gener- change in the time of administration—usually for one dose only— ally, give drugs ordered once or twice daily at a later time. For others, omit the one dose, and give the drug at the next scheduled time. Analgesics, antiemetics, and antipyretics are the name, dose, and frequency of administration; and deter- often ordered PRN. For narcotics and other controlled substances, sign drugs To meet legal requirements for dispensing controlled substances out on separate narcotic records according to agency policies. If, at any time during drug preparation or administration, To promote safety and prevent errors. The same procedure applies any question arises regarding the drug, the dose, or whether when the client questions drug orders at the bedside. With adults (1) To give tablets or capsules, open the unit-dose wrap- To maintain clean technique and measure doses accurately. Sus- per, place medication in a medicine cup, and give the cup pensions settle on standing, and if not mixed, diluent may be given to the client. For solutions, hold the cup at eye level, and rather than the active drug. For suspensions, shake or invert containers to mix the med- ication before measuring the dose. Giving drugs at appropriate times in relation to food intake can increase therapeutic effects and decrease adverse effects. With children, liquids or chewable tablets are usually Children under 5 years of age are often unable to swallow tablets given.

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The investigators screened 859 subjects modest cognitive limitations zocor 20 mg, but they cannot for inclusion over 4 years. The paucity of clusion of the interventions, the dextroam- brief, uniform, standardized tests with alter- phetamine group scored significantly better on nate forms that can be given serially to a pre- the PICA. The dominantly elderly population makes the for- optimal dose and timing of the noradrenergic mal investigation of cognitive dysfunction agent and its efficacy is a work in progress. A prospective study of 227 patients in New York City with ischemic stroke revealed cognitive impairments 3 Piracetam, a derivative of -aminobutyric acid, months after onset in 35% of patients and 4% but with no GABA activity, may facilitate of controls. The middle worth elaborating on the usefulness of relevant period, which can last from 3 to 12 months, measurement tools described in Chapter 7. Patients work on specific cognitive ability, and to categorize behavior. Neuropsychologic and language testing batter- ies for monitoring and planning interventions become more valuable at this stage than in pre- vious ones. The last stage can subsume many The GCS (see Table 7–3) defines the depth behavioral, cognitive, and mood problems of and duration of coma. Struc- used in most outcome studies of TBI and al- tured assessments produce different results lows distinctions regarding severity that have than may be found in real-life situations. For some prognostic meaning when given 6 hours example, disturbances in personality, in the after onset. The GCS is routinely used in emer- ability to attend to multiple environmental gency rooms and by acute trauma clinicians. It stimuli, and to shift logically from one concept should be collected daily if the score is less than to another may not be brought out by routine 15, until the patient is discharged from the hos- pencil-and-paper tests. On the GCS, the sum score of 13–15 is defined as a mild injury, 9–12 is a moderate TBI, and 8 or less is severe. The Extended GCS (GCS-E) was developed to include patients with mild concussion, adding an Amnesia Scale The Disability Rating Scale (DRS) (Chapter 7) with eight categories for the duration of PTA. This 100-point scale is given as soon as structured approach to use of the GOS im- the patient is alert and then daily until the score proves its reliability and lessens subjective ap- is normal. Stages of recovery beyond coma are often On the DRS, scores 15 on admission to re- described by the subjectively defined Rancho habilitation, 7 on discharge, and 4 at follow- Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning up 3 months after discharge predict the likely (Table 11–7).

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